New Sketchfab Model:

Chaos Spawn


It's been a while since we posted a new model on Sketchfab, but now that subsurface scattering is supported, we decided to show off a new monstrosity: the Chaos Spawn


You can rotate this fellow, zoom in and out to properly identify it as none other than an enemy of Mankind.

The Chaos Spawn was one an ambitious servant of the Ruinous Powers, now a mindless beast, mutated beyond reason by the fickle whim of the Dark Gods.

Would purge, huh? 

Let us know what you think!

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New Sketchfab Model: Chaos Spawn
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7 years 21 days ago

Feels to bright in colour needs a more sickly darkness about it with less shiny. The over all design tho i do love { would you be trying one or more different models as to give some difference to the enemy or just the one).

7 years 28 days ago

It looks great, but maybe too uniformly gooey? Maybe if the fleshy parts were gooey and the carapace parts weren't it wouldn't stand out so much.

7 years 29 days ago

Looks good.

7 years 29 days ago

Really looking forward to the Black Legion being added.

Always good to see new art assets added, very good looking work on that model!

7 years 29 days ago

I'm thinking "Kill it with Fire". Nice work Dev Team, like the little updates here. 

7 years 29 days ago

Really good looking model. 

Nice work guys

7 years 30 days ago

hehe, chaos-butt *snickers*...

7 years 30 days ago

Awsome can't wait to meet its mother.

7 years 30 days ago

When do we get to purge it ?!

7 years 30 days ago

Looks like my Flatmate after a long weekend!