Must-have additions (if you want future success)


1) item sets

2) unique relics

3) re-fightable bosses (like the one in the old WZ)

4) multi-player void crusades & a better matchmaking system

5) general chat & a FAR better overall communication system

6) trading (ala Diablo 2)

7) a FAR better QA system...otherwise, you will continue to move two steps forward, three steps back.

8) a rigid, predictable development cycle (updates every [insert day/week/month]), accompanied by rigid, predictable announcements

8) FAR better character customization system (the current one is a joke, and the texture/color options are superficial, non-sensical, and almost lamentable)

9) more crafting/re-rolling information...trying to get a certain item enchant when there may be 0% chance is annoying.

I'm done for now...others can add some other ESSENTIAL features they would like to see.

Store Page
Must-have additions (if you want future success)
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5 years 192 days ago
Posted by Kortes 5 years 193 days ago

6) trading (ala Diablo 2) - now you can send mail with items and credits, so its kinda possible already :) try it in command bridge in mailbox.

So its not trading, because you now just trust other person that he will send you something back, but as sharing between friends is a good existing option 

Yeah, I know of this method, but it's not the greatest. =\
5 years 192 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 193 days ago
This list will be forwarded to our designer team who considers the points.

Trading though is something which most likely won't be implemented as an option.

That's a damn shame, because trading was one of the most enjoyable things in D2.

Make a game, or in the case of Inquisitor Martyr/Prophecy, make an announcement in General Chat saying:

"LF 6 enchant relic Autopistol"

Then someone responds, and you invite him to your game, and you get the item you were looking for.

5 years 193 days ago

6) trading (ala Diablo 2) - now you can send mail with items and credits, so its kinda possible already :) try it in command bridge in mailbox.

So its not trading, because you now just trust other person that he will send you something back, but as sharing between friends is a good existing option 

5 years 193 days ago
This list will be forwarded to our designer team who considers the points.

Trading though is something which most likely won't be implemented as an option.