Mission Map Bug


After accomplishing a mission. The mission screen fades to black, then does not load the loot screen. Instead the game goes back to the mission map. This was a issue that was fixed in an earlier patch and has returned. 

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Mission Map Bug
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6 years 159 days ago
Is the issue still present after the latest patch as well?
6 years 161 days ago

It generally happens every Tarot Mission and started about two weeks ago, before the latest patch.

After clicking Mission Completed, the screen fades to black, then instead of the loot screen it loads the mission map back at the point of completion. All the menus still load; Options, Tutorials except Quit does nothing.

Azelas is my ingame account name.

6 years 162 days ago

Does this issue happen regularly in Tarot missions with you or in particular cases?
May I ask your ingame account name?
When you get the 'Mission completed' window, the screen just goes black then what exactly happens? 

6 years 163 days ago

Yes I'm playing on PC and it happens at the conclusion of Tarot Missions.

6 years 164 days ago

may I ask are you playing on PC? Can you recall the type of the mission?