

Any plans on adding microtransactions?

I dont know how the rest of the community feels but Id be willing to pay a few bucks for extra storage space, and cosmetic items like new skins, helmets, etc. 

Depending on how it goes it could be a nice small revenue stream to finance further development of content, or a contingent of Inquisitorial Techpriests to smash bugs 24/7, or at the very least a servoskull to roam around the offices.

Also a sassy nurgling pet like the one below would sell like crazy, cuz thats one sassy nurgling

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3 years 177 days ago
Ok, Thumbs down for me on that one last there. Ok, fine then. Do I deserve it?

I´m not against Cosmetics. Cosmetics can be nice too, but don´t fotget that it is only that.

I just don´t want Neocore to go do what everyone else does.

Fine, give me some Cosmetics, but I also do want useful in-game items and other meaningful stuff.

3 years 183 days ago
Posted by Rayata 3 years 183 days ago
Yeah I dont like microtransactions that give players a technical edge, or buying gear/currency, but cosmetics/storage I always buy. I'm a sucker for customization if I could buy hair/face packs, or skins for weapons armor, I would.

And just like you say its a way to secure more content.

Ya, ok. Seems like you are totally ok with just this regular shit that multi-billion $$$ Companie throws your way and expect you to but it, since they KNOW you are going to buy it.

Me whoi have actually played this and other games for quite a while is tired of that, we want actual stuff with meaning. But of course it takes a while for some people to actually understand hat I am actually talking about.

Ohhh, bro, look at my new Rainbow Coat. Ohh, and yeah, look at my new Red-Striped Shirt, only $5, OOoohhh. Awesome. Hey, guys look at me, I bought this $10 Blood-soaked splattered hoodie for my Character, yaayyy.

Seriously, I´m over that period.

Too many Companies have done that kind of thing far too long. Now, I want CONTENT to pay for.

Cosmetics in itself is nothing wrong with that in General, but I rather pay for a DLC Package with a new Playable Character with a new Unique Mission and Unique Items together with some nice Cosmetcs then the Cosmetics itself.

People, come on. Seriously.

3 years 183 days ago
Posted by XeroG 3 years 184 days ago
I think its a good idea actually, not because I like microtransactions, but because it would secure more content for the game in the future. Please consider the option to purchase like cosmetics that arent available anymore, from earlier seasons or events. 
Yeah I dont like microtransactions that give players a technical edge, or buying gear/currency, but cosmetics/storage I always buy. I'm a sucker for customization if I could buy hair/face packs, or skins for weapons armor, I would.

And just like you say its a way to secure more content.

3 years 184 days ago
I think its a good idea actually, not because I like microtransactions, but because it would secure more content for the game in the future. Please consider the option to purchase like cosmetics that arent available anymore, from earlier seasons or events. 
3 years 185 days ago

Okidoki Kundari

3 years 186 days ago
Posted by Rayata 3 years 187 days ago
Yeah your kinda missing the point Kundari.

-More money means more interest in continued development. 

-More money means more employees devoting time to working on the game.

-More money means more DLC/Expansions.

Games like Path of Exile have survived for years on microtransactions alone, they also release new content often. They sell skins, storage, pets, and seasonal packs. 

So in conclusion, microtransactions=more money, more money= more content, more content=more fun.

You say more money means more DLC and Expansions. To a certain degree you are correct.

But how about making some proper decent and great DLCs with meaningful in-game content instead?!

How about making some truly good Expansions, eh??! Would you like that? Aye?! Yeah, I thought so. Imagine Orks, Tau, More Chaos, Necrons etc, more opened Sectors both paid for and for free, and more meaningful content. Give me some Pets, yes. But how about making Pets that can actually DO SOMETHING for you in-game?! Wouldn´t that be nice? What kind of Pet would you like to have?

1.Just a Pet like every other normal Pet which is the very same as in all other games of Pets in this genre.

2. A Pet that can actually run around with an inventory of it´s own and pick up items for you.

3. A Pet which actually is having a Skill Tree of it´s own, with it´s own Special Perks it can choose and earn, and get Special Abilities.

I know what kind of Pet I would very much like to pay for. Do you?

I have tons of other ideas in other posts around here on the forum from earlier.

And when it comes to Path of Exile as you mentioned, that game has now come to a point of being a disaster of itself unfortunately.

When it comes to Microtransactions in and out of itself, I do not mind buying/paying for it. I played Path of Exile, and I bought a couple of their Supporter Packs on some Occasions. That means on SOME occasions, I never wanted to make it a habit.

Seriously, a Skin in PoE like Wings. $30. Full Body Armour - $45. A Season specific Brimmed Hat - $10. Cmon, seriously, is that what people really likes to pay for Cosmetics?! Well, yes, there are, but you get the meaning. It is nothing but Cosmetics.

I just recently checked out the Expeditions Supporter Packs. And don´t misunderstand me, because they are truly something nicey, and I really like the Aesir one. Awesome and cool Cosmetics. But seriously, come on. The Price, and not only the Price in general. Now they have managed to make Supporter Packs slightly more expensive, and with LESS Content, then what it actually used to be.

You know what? I like Cosmetics to a certain degree. Much of it is awesome, cool, great, nice and all that. But it is still just that. Cosmetics. And seriously, I despise these Cosmetics when it comes to some items being blue instead of being red, and you pay a F´ng fortune for it.

When it comes to Cosmetics in Inquisitor I would very much like it yes. But at the same time I also want... An example. Neocore is giving out a unique Season Specific Cosmetics Package of Content. 1st off I want the price to actually be fair. That is indeed a VERY important factor. 2nd of all, if that Package contains 9 items, I would very much like to see 5 of those items actually having a meaning and a in-game purpose that can actually DO SOMETHING. Let´s say you get an Unique awesome looking Armour in that Package. Now, instead of just it being an awesome looking Armour I would also like to see some Unique and Special Stats and Abilities on that Armour that you do not get on any of the other Armours you find in-game. Or for that matter IMPROVE. An example is: Ordinary in-game Armour giving a 53% Chance for every 10th enemy explode dealing Area Damage equivalent to 100% of their base damage in a small (3meter Radius) Area.

A Unique Package Armour is the same, but giving an additional 100%, so 200% yes of base damage in a 6 meter explosion radius Area. In addition to that there is a 10% Chance to cause a devastating Shockwave for an additional 5 meters outside the usual 6 meter Radius, that may Knockdown enemies.

In addition to this you of course get slightly better Stats, as among the best equipment there is to find. You are also getting one extra slot. With one extra slot I mean you have the MAIN one slot and then an extra 2-5 you can get on items. So with this one you are bound to get MAIN and minimum 3-6 ones.

So you see. Yes to Cosmetics. Even a BIGGER YES for Cosmetics actually having a in-game purpose, impact and meaning, instead of JUST BEING Cosmetics.

3 years 187 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 3 years 196 days ago
Well, when it comes to Skins, Helmets, Pets etc. you actually already have the things you can buy as Extra Missions.

Personally, I think it is more then enough. We don´t really need things like that, we have enough already.

Persoanlly I want things yes, and more too yes. But I want it in serious flexed out well made big and small proper DLCs. Things that actually DOES something in-game wise.

Yeah your kinda missing the point Kundari.

-More money means more interest in continued development. 

-More money means more employees devoting time to working on the game.

-More money means more DLC/Expansions.

Games like Path of Exile have survived for years on microtransactions alone, they also release new content often. They sell skins, storage, pets, and seasonal packs. 

So in conclusion, microtransactions=more money, more money= more content, more content=more fun.

3 years 192 days ago
That's cute. :D

It would be great to see some new cosmetic items in the game. I will bring this up on our end. Thanks!

3 years 196 days ago
Well, when it comes to Skins, Helmets, Pets etc. you actually already have the things you can buy as Extra Missions.

Personally, I think it is more then enough. We don´t really need things like that, we have enough already.

Persoanlly I want things yes, and more too yes. But I want it in serious flexed out well made big and small proper DLCs. Things that actually DOES something in-game wise.