Leveling, the main issue



First of all, I enjoy the game, the visual are perfect, the lore and texts are awesome, and I love the  gameplay. I really enjoy how you made the space marine way to talk, is like a medieval knight with tons of hype. amazing.

Then, I'm casual player, - you know, living takes time - and this game is perfect for play for 1h-2h and disconnect without pressure of goals and week objectives. And this kind of game I think that's the point, being active but not 24/7 for playing.

I really want to play more, but I don't know If there if some-ways to level up very fast, because its frustrating after doing the history mode to do 3 priority missions, 3 more at yellow difficult settings and only get one level and half.

Most of the reviews in this game in Steam say that, its too hard to get to late game to do the late game things, warzone, pvp, going up on level of difficult... and other things, like get another character at top level too, and enjoy with other mechanics and weapons to play.

And... its hard to level up, and the first season you increased the level by 20! Is demotivating. Because you see in the map about 6-7 more sectors... so one who start playing in the end must reach about, I don't know, 190 levels? That is insane at the moment. And later will be a high wall to get new players.

I think you Neocore have to think in the casual-players of this game, its repetitive (like Diablo, thats fine, you only want to purge with null encephalogram and get your character better  ) and if you make very hard to level up finally people get bored. Because reach to lategame its too slow.

I think can be easier to level up, you can increase the xp after history missions, and add some cards in the tarot for everyone with xp boosters, to do tarot missions to get levelling faster.

Or maybe I'm complaining and I didn't find the right way to level up , and that's not clear ingame.

Thank you for reading me.

This post was edited 6 years 190 days ago by Depende
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Leveling, the main issue
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6 years 183 days ago
Posted by f00n 6 years 184 days ago
I finished the storyline at around 22 hours played. I just hit level 70 after 84 hours by doing stuff I didn't want to do.

I had to grind crap missions with meager items and xp, to hit Tarot missions for decent XP gains.

Think about that.  The story was done, so for another 62 hours, I had to grind the same monotonous stuff with barely any reward.

The loot system doesn't help with items being level locked so you are only getting items at your level, as you level up.  Nothing to help you level up in terms of power.

Now I am 70 I have the following options.

1. Finish grinding out the warzone for no real reward.
2. Fight the Nemesis bosses, for no real reward.
3. Quit.

Option 3 is looking the tastiest of the lot.  Im not complaining due to entitlement or anything related to a bad game, but the content variation simply isn't there yet and the only reason I did the grind to 70 was because I love the art, music and want this game to be great.  It's not though, its just meh at the core.

I could throw out ideas to make this game better, but Im not working at Neocoregames and they probably have their own plan for things.  But something needs to change.

There is really no reason to play this game once you get a character to 70, even going back to make a new char and play some melee doesn't inspire me.  There are some amazing elements to this game, but some really bad ones too.

Option 4: play another class! You will even earn fate for time when they push the max level to 90 in Q4 and you need to farm relics again.
6 years 184 days ago
I finished the storyline at around 22 hours played. I just hit level 70 after 84 hours by doing stuff I didn't want to do.

I had to grind crap missions with meager items and xp, to hit Tarot missions for decent XP gains.

Think about that.  The story was done, so for another 62 hours, I had to grind the same monotonous stuff with barely any reward.

The loot system doesn't help with items being level locked so you are only getting items at your level, as you level up.  Nothing to help you level up in terms of power.

Now I am 70 I have the following options.

1. Finish grinding out the warzone for no real reward.
2. Fight the Nemesis bosses, for no real reward.
3. Quit.

Option 3 is looking the tastiest of the lot.  Im not complaining due to entitlement or anything related to a bad game, but the content variation simply isn't there yet and the only reason I did the grind to 70 was because I love the art, music and want this game to be great.  It's not though, its just meh at the core.

I could throw out ideas to make this game better, but Im not working at Neocoregames and they probably have their own plan for things.  But something needs to change.

There is really no reason to play this game once you get a character to 70, even going back to make a new char and play some melee doesn't inspire me.  There are some amazing elements to this game, but some really bad ones too.

6 years 186 days ago
Yeah the leveling is a kinda grindy.
6 years 187 days ago

Listen to the little 'Christs' troll, he has all the wisdom... Bow to him, he so helpful Hesus comes to him for advice...

1) In Story mode, always use 'casual' instead of harder one, they are the same but more for casual players. Story Missions will give you good amout of Fate

2) Don't spent Fate points, unless you find further advancement getting hard - then activate tarot mission and play few on settings you're comfortable with. This will give you several levels and make it easier for the Story

3) Once in a while, play random mission in green area with high enough Fate to be worthy, finish assignments then kill whatever is left alive on map - you'll get max Fate for that (say 15-20)

4) after finishing main (it's just a part, rest is coming in parts - not the best solution), you have to level until 50, and then you get another part of the story in another system

Don't listen to Christs-troll, he's a bad person and has no knowledge, and live to hate himself because like he paid 50g for the game. Out of 950g/year his kind (WH40k fans) spends for their addicition. But he has another addiction - trolling the forums - 'ME DON'T LIKE, ME SO SMART, SO GAME STUPID, NOBODY ELSE BUY IT BECAUSE THEY MAY DISCOVER ME NOT SO SMART'

6 years 189 days ago

Cool get to 70 faster and have nothing to do once you get there.  It was not leveling that made everyone leave. Most of them where lvl 50.

This comment was edited 6 years 189 days ago by Christs