inventory and trader issues


Here are a few things I saw after three missions:

Unkillable warp gates in the Nurgle Plague mission.

Random enemy respawns.

The inventory screen has several issues.  Mostly, newly equipped gear is not persistent when changing from set 1 to set 2.  the shield and power axe i placed did stay, but the plasma cannon, engine, purity seal, implant, eye mod etc etc etc all reverted to the common version that was originally there.

Selling items to the trader ALWAYS gives an "item not sellable" dialog box, but credits you the money for the sale.  Purchases also generate an "out of gold" dialog box.  In addition, money from item sales disappears after returning from the next mission.

Other than that, it has been immensely fun bashing and melting heretics.

This post was edited 8 years 11 days ago by SHUGDAY
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inventory and trader issues
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6 years 263 days ago
Is this still not fixed?

My secondary Weapon Set always gets resetted to the default Weapon, and the equipped disappeared into oblivion.

8 years 10 days ago
Helstaag Rus
There should, if you press I. It seems though that it does not work right now, so we'll have to fix it.
8 years 10 days ago


8 years 11 days ago
Is there no way to access inventory during a mission?
8 years 11 days ago
I can attest to everything Shugday has posted.