Inquisitor Martyr - PS5 bug


The Stores in the Ordo, specifically the Hereticus Store noted, Inventory upon leaving it changed. It was not in a time when it should have and not previous day inventory as I check everyday. Annoyingly had a Blue Print I was waiting for available but upon a quick leave of the store to double check I didn't already have it, as some Blue Prints don't tell you properly if you own them. I confirmed I didn't went back in and the Blue Prints are all different... more waiting I guess but this should be addressed as it ruins the patience players have of the games random store inventory generation. 

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Inquisitor Martyr - PS5 bug
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2 years 23 days ago
Did you notice this behavior before on any store? Even on other Ordo stores?

I assume that the reset time of the Hereticus store is not in sync with the other two Ordo stores on your end. Am I right?