Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch v1.0.6 - July 5 - Warzone


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. Please also note that during maintenance, players will be unable to login.

New Feature - Warzone

The Warzone is now open at the Lacaon System!

  • There are 5  Stages, and each Stage consists of 10 battles
  • After these stages, the Warzone Missions are unlocked with infinite levels
  • Minimum Power Rating: 1100
  • Further mission tiers unlock at 1200,1300,1400, and 1500 Power Rating
  • Stage consists of 10 battles
  • Battles have certain Hazards (challenge parameters), one is unlocked at the end of every Stage
  • Each zone within a Warzone map is closed by a gate that unlocks only after the room has been cleared
  • Different passive effects and world skills can be bought for each mission
  • Players gain Warzone XP contributing towards Warzone Levels
  • Each Warzone Level gives +1% Maximum HP, Suppression, and Damage for Warzone missions
  • In the Warzone you will be able to gain new rewards, collect Favours, unlock three passive and an active skill slot
  • Skill slots are gained by advancing your ranking in the Warzone, and these skills are only usable in the Warzone. Overall there are 20 passive and 4 active skills to choose from
  • Favours will be later used for summoning the Nemesys and for buying items from the Warzone Vendor (coming soon)

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed unreachable chests on several maps
  • Fixed Bunker Busting missions that were undoable
  • Fixed spawn point positions across several maps
  • Fixed a bug where buff icons were copying icons from previous buffs
  • Fixed a bug where no enemies spawned in Unholy Cathedral after 25 minutes
  • Matchmaking window and Vote window now displays Fate costs properly
  • Demented Psyker now plays its death animation properly
  • Fixed a bug where executions caused stuck characters
  • Fixed the Relentless Heroic Deed
  • Fixed the Bane of the Empyrian Heroic Deed
    Skill tree window now remembers the last open panel correctly

Miscellaneous Features

  • Mind Reset is now constantly available at vendors. Price has been reduced.
  • Vulnerability stacks are now displayed
  • Added an option to disable the Psyker's Warp Heat effect


  • Enemies won't drop loot anymore on the Through the Fire and the Flames 1 & 3 maps
  • The following spells will not be interrupted by cutscenes anymore: Death Augury, Divine Shot, Foreboding, Precognition, Precognitive Dodge, Telekine Dome
  • Unholy Cathedral: Enemies won't drop loot anymore, and the maximum amount of enemies has been reduced
  • Unholy Cathedral: Increased reward quality at the end
  • When enemy groups are moving in formation, the slowest enemy type in the group is now moving faster, up to 150% of its normal speed
  • Trauma Control's damage reduction value was reduced from 20 to 5
  • Regenerative Bionics: halved healing from 3HP to 1.5HP per 10 Suppression (Tooltip fixed as well)
This post was modified 6 years 225 days ago by Megapull
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Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch v1.0.6 - July 5 - Warzone
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6 years 232 days ago

If I understood correctly the Warzone will close after some time?

If you will not participate in the Warzone, you could also play the upcoming seasons or will your level be too low to play the Dark Eldar missions?

What consequences would have the "nonplaying" of the Warzone?

I'm asking this because I don't know if I will reach the 1.100 power level before the closing or if I will have enough time to play it.

Besides I would like to play whit other classes, enjoy side missions, savour the game in general and not only "sprint-build" one character. (all of this in the time I can dedicate to playing the game, I mean)

6 years 232 days ago
Dear Neocore  i will never buy another game from you again!!  Godbye.
6 years 233 days ago
Well after couple hours of trying the new mode and realizing how worthless and how unrewarding the whole concept is at least atm.... I tried to go back doing some Tarrots with my brother... we group up i had 3k fate he had like 1.2k and we make a mission we start it and we get a message that someone from the party doesnt have enough fate to run the mission......
6 years 233 days ago
UC is btw totally worthless now,

34 minutes and all I got was 10 boxes with a total of 20k or so credits and a dozend trash items with ONE PURPLE and no relic.
Also NO CREDITS and a whopping SIX FATE from the mission itself.


6 years 233 days ago
Posted by Bishop120 6 years 233 days ago
My build might have had something to do with the Trauma Control nerf.. showed it to a few guildies... I could stand in the middle of almost everything an impossible mission had and tank it sitting at half life all day.. only thing I had to worry about was the guardsman that reduced my DR.  

Does make me a little sad tho..

Oh I've seen quite a few things with damage reduce, like, in pvp a crusader who was permanently immune to HP dmg (but not SR dmg).

It's by far not the only thing that is/was broken. ^^
And this game and pretty much all classes still need a good bit of fixing and rebalancing.

And what I meant was that they did not fix the actual problem of dmg reduction stacking higher than intended but instead fix it like that.
It's like the guy who coded that has left, and no one knows how to fix it properly. -.-
At least that's what it looks like.

This comment was edited 6 years 233 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 233 days ago
Opening loot boxes from UC sucks, a lot! -.-

Pack it all into one or at least fewer, please.

6 years 233 days ago
My build might have had something to do with the Trauma Control nerf.. showed it to a few guildies... I could stand in the middle of almost everything an impossible mission had and tank it sitting at half life all day.. only thing I had to worry about was the guardsman that reduced my DR.  

Does make me a little sad tho..

6 years 233 days ago
  • Mind Reset is now constantly available at vendors. Price has been reduced.
    => Why not drop them completely for now? This game is still beta and needs the testing.

  • Added an option to disable the Psyker's Warp Heat effect
    => Now no one can deny anymore that they want us all to go full warp heat only. -.-

  • Unholy Cathedral: Enemies won't drop loot anymore, and the maximum amount of enemies has been reduced
  • Unholy Cathedral: Increased reward quality at the end
    => I have yet to see if that plays out well, does not really sound good.

  • Trauma Control's damage reduction value was reduced from 20 to 5
    => This was totally unnecessary, and only shows how the devs are not willing to  fix the underlying problems instead!
    Makes me really sad to see this course of action.

6 years 233 days ago
Its bugged afte the first mission I get failed to join mission message, and priority missions are bugged and Seeds of Corruption are bugged I can't continue those either. So, I guess after sitting here not able to do anything for literally 3 weeks I am supposed to not be some what pissed eh after found 1000 dam dollars in to the damned game. I am highly irritated.
6 years 233 days ago
Minimum 1100 Power Rating? Well, I´m getting there. Soon. Having almost 900, so shouldn´t be too long.
6 years 233 days ago
YEAH Finally come to life =p

Let's Purgeeeeeeee

6 years 233 days ago
Will you gain regular XP? I am only level 41 but I have high enough gear 

to play in the warzone.