i lost my legs holy emperor!


hi i have founded a persistant bug in a lot of missions. 

on certains mission my inquisitor lost his legs, suddenly the legs dissapear or glithched funny over my character heads... the problems is when this  happens, the game optimization turned crazy, very slow and with a lot of frames jumps, this is very annoyed for play with him, even provoke my inquisitor death

(i put more down profile on graphics options: 20fps, low textures, no phisics, no shadows...etc) but the problem persist... the weird of this is that only happens on certains missions, in others missions with high graphic options even atmospheric effect, the game works fine and fluid

Are i doing something wrong?? because no legs meanig death on slow motions XD is a madness

thanks for your time

This post was edited 6 years 93 days ago by bedlanraw13
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i lost my legs holy emperor!
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6 years 89 days ago
ok. thanks i will write the email
6 years 89 days ago

could you please give me your account name as well as your character's name? We will check on the matter. Please write to our support an email so we can discuss the matter more conveniently there: [email protected]

6 years 90 days ago
hello? nobody says something??? this is a serious problems

yesterday play a principal campaing missions a this bug made the game experience literally imposible

the freezee screns, continous frame jumps... i target an objective with mouse and my inquisitor appear 6 meters more far while the enemi shothing him from back...

i dont believe the staff answer  problems about difficul level and ignore that... the problem repite on 3 for each 5 mission which i play... make it a big game on a unplayeable garbage...