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- I can't see any changes in the Appearance tab
Are there some armor or weapons that the appearance can't be modified? It seems to happen regardless of which character I am using. Obviously not going to slow me down, but it would be cool if it worked.
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I can't see any changes in the Appearance tab
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4 years 230 days ago
Ok, I must be getting old, or maybe I had the same glitch twice in a row. But, appearance changer seems to be working fine now. I have tried it on multiple characters and the results are as expected.
Move along, nothing to see here...
Sorry about the churn. But, thanks for taking all of these issues here seriously. It's very much appreciated.
4 years 231 days ago
No, usually a restart resolves similar backend-related temporary problems. As you logged in again the problem should not have been there. It seems it is a more general thing than we first thought. We will check the feature. Are you playing on PC?
4 years 232 days ago
I'm sorry, do you mean that I should make a change, blind, then restart the game to see if it took?
If you just mean that I should restart the game and try to use the Appearance tool, I have done that with the same result.
4 years 232 days ago
Did you try to modify your appearance after a game restart as well? Sometimes the changes are not registered properly but a restart resolves the problem. Please check on it.
4 years 233 days ago
So, is there more information needed? Can anyone change their appearance and it's just me who can't?
I am playing on an xbox if that matters.
Set this current order state as My default.