Graphical glitch near the portrait PS4


First english is not my native language so sorry in advance.

Near my portrait some of what seem to be skill tree icons have appeared


I have also the negative skill points bug, i have waste a lot of money because of this and the workaround you have given doesn't work for me, i have  to close the game completely and then distribute my skill points.

I really love the game but i hope a patch is coming soon and if you can confirm you are working on these two bugs i would be really happy specially the portrait bug  its really annoy me for some reasons.

This post was edited 5 years 123 days ago by Armored8
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Graphical glitch near the portrait PS4
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5 years 122 days ago
I mean if i want to prevent the negative skill points bug to come back over and over, i have to forget my skill points,close the game ,launch the game and then use my skill points.  Leaving the passive skill menu doesn't work for me,the bug always strike back if i only do this. I hope its more clear,sorry again for my english.

So the icons in the left upper corner are normal? because i have 4 more now and they have changed color instead of silver they are kind of gold now,this is still normal lol? and the only consumables i have use are tarot cards and the one for reset skill points i guess. If i do five more missions after they appears they should disappear, correct? I am almost sure i did  but let's keep playing to find out ,not a problem

Anyways  thank for taking the time to answer and polish this great game !

5 years 123 days ago
It is not a graphical glitch in the left upper corner but something which will be important later on as more contents will come to console (some event stuff:)). You may used a consumable? These icons should disappear after 5 missions.

How you meant you have to close the game and only then can you distribute your points?