"Get Uther's rosette" game breaking crash, cannot proceed


Every time I to try to load it via the "next location" button or via the star map, the game crashes trying to load the location (within the star map).

I can get into tarot or normal missions just fine, i just cant access the location for this story mission. This has broken my game and i cannot proceed.

Edit 1-Adding to this, as now the location for that mission was the last place i attempted to access on the star map, i now get an instant crash when i open the star map (as it tries to load the mission location) preventing me from actually doing anything.

Edit 2- i managed to fix the above problem by taking a priority mission and using the next location option to pull me into a different star map. Zooming out I have noticed the quest marker on the star chart lists the offending quest multiple times, as per the screenshot below

This post was edited 6 years 261 days ago by Redshift7
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"Get Uther's rosette" game breaking crash, cannot proceed
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