Gear Deleated after game froze.


equipped items and looted gear deleted after i had to alt f4 the game closed upon freezing post completion of mission 2.  not really to bothered about it easy come easy go, however if this sets a precedence for future experience i will have to refund said game. 

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Gear Deleated after game froze.
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5 years 229 days ago
We are working on this, thanks for the report! 
5 years 229 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 229 days ago
Even after a few game restarts the items were not back in your inventory or on your character? Did this happen on PC? 

This also happened to Zigurat7 on the official discord. 

"I just started the game and was playing the second level, when I reached the door at the end of the level, after showing the mission complete message the game hung for a while on the level, my character wasn't on the screen and it was just showing the level background, after maybe a minute the game exited and went to the mission select screen, I didn't got any rewards from finishing the level and when I checked my character inventory it was completely empty, all of the stuff I picked up on the level was not there"

This comment was edited 5 years 229 days ago by Blackwolfe
5 years 229 days ago
Even after a few game restarts the items were not back in your inventory or on your character? Did this happen on PC?