Executions, how?


So  I'm playing Martyr on PS4, using Crusader class, and can't figure out how to do executions. I've checked the tutorial and it says a marker will appear above an enemy's head and then I have to press X within a limited time. What does the marker look like? I've also been investing points in the Execution skill tree, but am still at a loss as to what I'm meant to be doing. Anyone else having this problem?

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Executions, how?
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6 years 149 days ago
The Elites, it usually activates automatically every time you kill one with melee. At least in the campaign it did for every one I killed.

6 years 149 days ago
I've exectuted 5 elites never seen the marker,too hectic. Just continuing to press x seems to do the trick.
6 years 149 days ago
Thanks , I don’t think I’ve seen that marker yet but I’ll keep a look out for it. The whole game seems a bit broken on PS4, to be honest.
6 years 150 days ago

On PC the marker is a small circle that has a red circle inside it. It can be very hard to see, especially in a big fight. The red circle rotates and vanishes quickly. I think it is only 10 seconds or so to get the execution. You have to be close to the enemy, within melee range. I have had three appear in the same group of enemies  and only one will be activated before the others fade.

It is almost certainly something similar on console.

When you DO get it, you will know. Your character tears whoever the target is to pieces.

This comment was edited 6 years 150 days ago by Kalenath