Executions cant be deactivate


I deactivate the elaborate executions but they are still executing some of the big boss machine automatically.

This post was edited 6 years 164 days ago by Popeye
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Executions cant be deactivate
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6 years 143 days ago

I always have the Execution running. In my case though, it has saved my *** on several occasions.

6 years 144 days ago

Yesterday my teammate died again in the Warzone, because I lost the aggro during the animation and all mobs ran on my teammates. When will that finally change? Try to make at least the few players you still have to make happy, before they stop completely with the game.

6 years 155 days ago
execution scenes have both saved me and ruined me. 8 seconds to regen health and suppression but also 8 seconds in warzone where im not killing guys in a time crunch.
6 years 155 days ago

Is there a way to disable it for yourself? It's 8-9 seconds where you can not do anything.

6 years 157 days ago

And just in the warzone, where it can depend on any second, it is also extremely annoying, if you can not make the level because of this animation.

6 years 157 days ago

So is this animation that totally takes out one of the game flow, wanted? I played with a physker yesterday. When the animation started with me, all mobs attacked the Physker and he died. Just because I did not have aggro anymore. Please give players the option to disable the kill animation if they want it. 

And please in the next few days, otherwise I'll have to stop, unfortunately, that this "mistake" takes a lot of fun.

6 years 159 days ago

We will reconsider delaying the length of time on the buffs during executions! Thank you for your feedback! 

6 years 162 days ago

No,  there is no slow down during the execution. But time keeps running and that's why the positive buffs are running out.

6 years 162 days ago
As an additional question, would you please tell me if there is a slow down during the execution? Because by turning off this option the execution still happens with the anim just that it is not slowed down. This was our original changes! 
6 years 163 days ago

How long it will take? I play with the skill Evasive Bionics and through the bug I lose the 5 stacks and die after the execution (which I do not want to see). This is extremely frustrating.

6 years 163 days ago
With PC
6 years 163 days ago
May I ask the platform are you playing on? We will check on this matter.