Dear Neocore: Why did you have to do this to Caius Thorn?


Caius Thorn had a really nice animated ingame portrait until beta,
then you replaced it with a detail-less, meaningless, extremely ugly and extremely badly made 0815 space marine.

And then you took great care to make sure that it is not only perfectly not-lip-sync but also very visible, but that's just a little disturbing on top.

Why did you have to dump a well made, good looking, perfectly fitting animated portrait, and replace it with somethign that looks like a kid at school made it in between classes?!

What did Caius Thorn do to deserve such a treatment?!

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Dear Neocore: Why did you have to do this to Caius Thorn?
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6 years 250 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 250 days ago
hey m8 like said before - if you try to explain your concerns in an objective way imho you would get proper feedback i am sure. i bet you are german ^^ maybe a bit less cynicism?

like : why did you change the portrait of caius thorn? i liked the one from alpha much more because it has xy.

it is the same statement but put in a non aggressive way. cynicism means you think they should know better but we are talking about your opinion (!!). people calling you out really dont need to be "super-fanboys" - i bet some even agree on some of your concerns but would likely to call you out because of the way you present your thoughts.

but of course by all means do what you want to do hwo you want to do it. what i wrote is my assumption not a fact. 

That other person is known to be a super fanboi, and known to talk down to others, and known to try to tell others what to do and not do.

A joke in short, not worth reading at all.

I have asked about the Caius Thorn animated portrait a few times already, starting right after they changed it in the so called "beta", those 3 or so weeks right before the rushed release.

I have asked about many other things.
I have seen others ask things.
I have never seen a dev answer anything relevant.
All answers to posts so far were completely irrelevant, and mostly only to completely irrelevant questions or comments also.
A vivid example of this was the console release date, that took them many days and many upset people and posts here on the forums to give even the outlook of an answer, whereas the facts were clear to them even before the first person brought it up.
(I am no console player, and I do not care much for that topic, but it was a good example.)

There seems to be a pretty strict policy of non-interaction on anything relevant,
and this is kind of annoying, maybe I just miss the pre-wow times where you could actually talk to devs.

Maybe the devs themself are annoyed by how they were forced by their publisher into rushing the release of this game,
and are disappointed by the unfinished and mostly broken game they delivered.
(That's just an assumption, idk them and their publishers, it just looks like that is what happened.)

Maybe I am just annoyed by how the devs here try to sit out literally everything.

So excuse me when I "already" resort to sarcasm every now and then.

6 years 250 days ago
hey m8 like said before - if you try to explain your concerns in an objective way imho you would get proper feedback i am sure. i bet you are german ^^ maybe a bit less cynicism?

like : why did you change the portrait of caius thorn? i liked the one from alpha much more because it has xy.

it is the same statement but put in a non aggressive way. cynicism means you think they should know better but we are talking about your opinion (!!). people calling you out really dont need to be "super-fanboys" - i bet some even agree on some of your concerns but would likely to call you out because of the way you present your thoughts.

but of course by all means do what you want to do hwo you want to do it. what i wrote is my assumption not a fact. 

6 years 250 days ago
Posted by Inquisitor Thaddeus 6 years 251 days ago
And you are going to be waiting and waiting because this is not a question, it's an attack
Trying to "be the good guy", and a super-fanboi, trying to pretend to be something better, talking down to others and telling them what to do, and attacking them and worse.

You, are the incarnation of hypocrisy, of all things despicable that people only dare to do in the anonymity of the internet, and most of all, nothingness, for as much as you crave the attention of others, as unimportant you are.

I will ignore you from here on, and any sane person will do the same,
so spare your "zeal" on me and try to find an actual meaning to your life, you seem to really need it.

There still is this valid question, why they had to remove the actually good animated portrait of Caius Thorn,
and replace it with something ...less appealing, less fitting, less well made?!

I see the devs tend to not talk much, staying silent about this and a ton of other questionable game design decisions,
sometimes, things make sense, and if you explain it to people, they might understand and see why it was good, why it was necessary.
Staying silent about something that looks bad, makes it be bad for real.

6 years 251 days ago
And you are going to be waiting and waiting because this is not a question, it's an attack
6 years 251 days ago
Still not even a word from Neocore on this matter.
