Datahunt Bug on Saint Abelard


Probably on the list of things that get fixed in the next patch but during the Datahunt mission I can interact with 2 cogitators and collect Data but the 3rd one bugs out and instead of interacting the inquisitor runs away from it and stands near some crates instead. I've blown them up with a grenade in case thats what causes the shift but its not that, he just returns to that spot and stands there. 

This post was edited 6 years 168 days ago by SkyD18NZ
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Datahunt Bug on Saint Abelard
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6 years 166 days ago
This problem has been fixed internally, the upcoming patch will contain the changes! 
6 years 168 days ago
Look if there is an collectible lyimg on the ground. For me that was the problem. You have to pick it up first.