Console player - Suggestions


First off, I am loving the game. Warhammer 40k novice, but I love this style of game and my wife and I play anything with lots of loot and fun co-op.

Besides the bug fixes they are working on, I am throwing a few things out there for suggestion that if it wasn't too hard, I would love to see.

#1 - Proper co-op for campaign. It may not fit story wise guess, but this juicy campaign is too big for my wife and I to play solo on our own systems. It is screaming for us to enjoy together. Let us play the story together!

#2 - Ability to create a new character for multiplayer end game at a base level w/ matching gear. 

We buy games to play together. So at least with this option we could just play the endgame without both doing campaign. We have two consoles so we don't care about local co-op as much.

#3 - 3rd person over the shoulder view. I love the isometric viewpoint and it's one of my favorite styles. But I would love to see all these 3d designs from a 3rd person follow perspective. It would also work well with the cover system. You can keep the same control scheme and it should still work.

#4 - Twin stick mode. A control scheme where the camera is controlled by touchpad (or lock the camera) and you aim your character with the right stick. Move all skills to trigger/bumper. Click in R3 for reload and move the other skills down to face buttons. This could help remove the auto target issue (which I read is being tweaked in next update). This should only be an optional control scheme, for players who only want to play as a shooter.

I am really enjoying it so far. I can deal with the bugs and issues that have popped up. This is what I found using PS4 Pro on 1440 res. on 4K HDR. with about 15 hours gameplay.

* crash on new mission start (once)

* PS4 audio loss - solved by closing game (PS4 audio comes back) (once)

* auto innoculator usage (pause/unpause fix)

* Skill lockout - on odd occasion my skills lock out for about 10 seconds, not sure if it's an enemy skill or just a bug (I treat as enemy skill for fun)

* Screen tearing seems to be gone, or I just adjusted to it! Either way the game looks great.

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Console player - Suggestions
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6 years 178 days ago
I like what your saying but no to over the shoulder. That changes the fact that it's an isometric arpg. (diablo style game)

The targeting is daft but it is a game that has got me hooked..

I would love item sets.

Also the 2 of the  4 weapon skills feel very much the same on every weapon. Would like something more unique.  Enjoy the sniper 4 option mechanic. But on all weapons 2 skills always feel the same. It would be great to add elements on weapons with enemies having a natural weakness for some so on the mission brief you can set up your skills better. 

For example nurgle having a weakness to fire and chaos having a weakness to poison. 

6 years 178 days ago
Great Suggestions indeed.  Enjoying the game for sure.  Story mode share is a must.  Is it possible to remove the HUGE Damage indicator/HPs over the primary enemy?  I don't feel it is necessary and takes up to much eye candy and wonder if it slows down the frame rate?  Perhaps I don't have the options set right.