Console Patch Waiting Room


So, like any game, after a week the newness is wearing off, and the issues are becoming more noticeable and frustrating. For me the targeting system is the thing, I just played a mission where it helped the enemy more than anything they brought with them, and now I feel I should take a break. A fix before the weekend would rock, but we shall see.

Another game I fell in love with this year, Conan Exiles, had a console launch hampered with problems, and although patches did arrive, the main issue for me - performance - has gone ignored. Turning that game on has become its biggest challenge.

There's a much shorter hill to climb here, and Neocore have been good about responding to complaints. Despite these industry-wide lapses into chaos, I still have some faith. 


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Console Patch Waiting Room
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6 years 166 days ago
The aim-system has been revised and the problem when the character priorities the chests over the terminals has been fixed as well internally. The upcoming patch will contain these!
6 years 167 days ago
Still waiting!

I pray to the GamesWorkshop Gods that they fix the targeting on PS4 and the X button stupidness (click to disarm a battery for instance but it wont because there is a supply box near)

6 years 167 days ago
Yup patch would be nice- problems with autoaiming(u sometimes shoot at the enviroment or jump right in to the explosive barrels) and urresponsive controls hat occur rarely must be fixed.
6 years 168 days ago
good thing a new season dropped for PoE I guess, a good one too imo. 

still checking that update queue daily of course. 
6 years 174 days ago
Anyone else had bugged trophies? For me, and at least one other person I’m aware of, the Verminslayer trophy didn’t pop, even though I was awarded the deed. 
6 years 174 days ago



okay, top 3 arpg's of all time   1. Grim Dawn  2. Xmen Legends  3. Sacred 2 Fallen Angel

6 years 175 days ago
Posted by Leman 6 years 176 days ago

Console: Xbox ONE X.


1.) In the game trailer for consoles destructible environment was there. Now its gone. I bought the Imperium Edition and if I had known that one of the most heavily advertised features was not even in the full game I definetly would not have paid 79,99€. And I dont even have the opportunity to return it (because of Microsofts "no refund policy"). 

2.) Where is dismemberment of enemies? They do die in a shower of gore and blood so this cant be an issue with censorship. And I will say this a couple of times. Diablo 3 - which is at least 5 years on the market - has no probems having limbs fly everywhere. So it cant be performance. 

3. Destructible environment? Zero. Even in Diablo 3 I can destroy more than in Martyr. For in Martyr there practically is no destructible environment at all, again something you heavily advertised with. I still remember the trailers "fully destructible environment". Now I dont even see toppling pillars when an explosive goes off right next to it. And again - Diablo 3 strangely manages to pull that off. Care to elaborate?

3.) Clipping issues. Objects at the edge of the screen flicker in and out of existence. Annoying.

4.) Tooltips referring to the PC version: For instance the FAQ on how to control AI allies lists an "F" key to issue commands. Some abilities I dont even know what they are for as they are not explained at all (for instance do I need to continously hold Y when having a shield equipped or is holding the shield enough to deflect blows)? More streamlined tutorials would have been nice.

5.) Inexplicable slowdowns on Xbox One X. The graphics are not notably better than Diablo 3 for consoles. Yet Diablo 3 does not have these slow downs, runs at a higher resolution, and furthermore also also has satisfying limb dismemberments. If a 5(6?) year old game can pull that off I am sure a game released this year could do this too. I understand the disintegrating bodies (most games do that due to performance reasons). But it vexes me when features you advertised with are completely missing. I dont buy performance for aforementioned reasons. In Diablo 3 on console I see limbs flowing around all the time. And they even have a proper physics engine to make it look kind of realistic. In Martyr - however - it is simply missing (after advertising with it not too long ago). Care to elaborate? 

5a) The rationale is quite straight fowawrd. If a 5 year old game such as Diablo 3 can pull similar stunts off I am sure Martyr could do too, especially considering that it is not even running on ultra HD, but only 1440p - in "quality mode" that is - which I suppose is the "perk" for Xbox One X..... if the resolution is the only difference I am kind of dismayed when many promised features are simoly absent.

6.) Item drops with useless stats for my character class. For instance: I play a crusader and get item drops granting me a bonus to warp damage. Yet according to the game they are higher quality, forcing me sometimes to equip them anyway just so I can play a particular mission

7. ) Charcter control: For instance when I have to destroy orbital bombardment cannons. I can aim at it all I want. My character will still run towards the explosive container and destroy it in melee - wihich is hilarious considering that I was warned they might be harmful to me when they first appeared in missions

My main question is: Where are the main selling features you advertised with - even in the console release trailer - that are strangely now nowhere to be found in the console version I paid 79,99€ for. Or are they to be added in the mysterious elusive patch? I am talking about destructible environments (not there) and limb dismemberment (missing as well). The game is fun but to advertise with something that is not even in the "finished" game is abysmal and bad customer practice. I expect a statement from the developers

+1 I'm very disappointed by the quality of the release. I'd like also to add that the Itemization is lazy and monotonous. E.g. From level 20 to 22 crating a weapon will roll exactly the same stat ranges and yet the item quality goes up anyway (how?). This is mind boggling. This game sets new records for most lazy itemization and level design.
6 years 175 days ago
yeah i've been having that, unresponsive button commands, also my right bumper gets stuck 'on', and its not an issue with my controller.
6 years 176 days ago
(xbox one x) also sometimes the buttons are unresponsive while i am in action,among other problems. so how about an update soon  for consoles.
6 years 176 days ago

Console: Xbox ONE X.


1.) In the game trailer for consoles destructible environment was there. Now its gone. I bought the Imperium Edition and if I had known that one of the most heavily advertised features was not even in the full game I definetly would not have paid 79,99€. And I dont even have the opportunity to return it (because of Microsofts "no refund policy"). 

2.) Where is dismemberment of enemies? They do die in a shower of gore and blood so this cant be an issue with censorship. And I will say this a couple of times. Diablo 3 - which is at least 5 years on the market - has no probems having limbs fly everywhere. So it cant be performance. 

3. Destructible environment? Zero. Even in Diablo 3 I can destroy more than in Martyr. For in Martyr there practically is no destructible environment at all, again something you heavily advertised with. I still remember the trailers "fully destructible environment". Now I dont even see toppling pillars when an explosive goes off right next to it. And again - Diablo 3 strangely manages to pull that off. Care to elaborate?

3.) Clipping issues. Objects at the edge of the screen flicker in and out of existence. Annoying.

4.) Tooltips referring to the PC version: For instance the FAQ on how to control AI allies lists an "F" key to issue commands. Some abilities I dont even know what they are for as they are not explained at all (for instance do I need to continously hold Y when having a shield equipped or is holding the shield enough to deflect blows)? More streamlined tutorials would have been nice.

5.) Inexplicable slowdowns on Xbox One X. The graphics are not notably better than Diablo 3 for consoles. Yet Diablo 3 does not have these slow downs, runs at a higher resolution, and furthermore also also has satisfying limb dismemberments. If a 5(6?) year old game can pull that off I am sure a game released this year could do this too. I understand the disintegrating bodies (most games do that due to performance reasons). But it vexes me when features you advertised with are completely missing. I dont buy performance for aforementioned reasons. In Diablo 3 on console I see limbs flowing around all the time. And they even have a proper physics engine to make it look kind of realistic. In Martyr - however - it is simply missing (after advertising with it not too long ago). Care to elaborate? 

5a) The rationale is quite straight fowawrd. If a 5 year old game such as Diablo 3 can pull similar stunts off I am sure Martyr could do too, especially considering that it is not even running on ultra HD, but only 1440p - in "quality mode" that is - which I suppose is the "perk" for Xbox One X..... if the resolution is the only difference I am kind of dismayed when many promised features are simoly absent.

6.) Item drops with useless stats for my character class. For instance: I play a crusader and get item drops granting me a bonus to warp damage. Yet according to the game they are higher quality, forcing me sometimes to equip them anyway just so I can play a particular mission

7. ) Charcter control: For instance when I have to destroy orbital bombardment cannons. I can aim at it all I want. My character will still run towards the explosive container and destroy it in melee - wihich is hilarious considering that I was warned they might be harmful to me when they first appeared in missions

My main question is: Where are the main selling features you advertised with - even in the console release trailer - that are strangely now nowhere to be found in the console version I paid 79,99€ for. Or are they to be added in the mysterious elusive patch? I am talking about destructible environments (not there) and limb dismemberment (missing as well). The game is fun but to advertise with something that is not even in the "finished" game is abysmal and bad customer practice. I expect a statement from the developers

6 years 176 days ago
i hate that the relic-drop tarot card dumps a mission timer on you. If I'm having fun and someone tells me to hurry up, it's the same thing as someone telling me to stop having fun.
6 years 177 days ago

This could be the case.  I’ll check the options later and see.  I play with a headset plugged in so there is no way i would expect it to still try to play through the controller speaker.  
6 years 177 days ago

I did notice a missing line of audio from my character, while talking to the crafting guy, was wondering if only some of it was voiced or what. There may have been more but I've played a fair bit without listening to game audio. 

Performance has been okay for me on xbox, stable enough to not be a problem. 

This comment was edited 6 years 177 days ago by ST
6 years 177 days ago
Only thorne, or every character?

Because on PS4 I oversaw the controller mic. function and muted it in the system config. Meaning the game wanted to talk over mic, but PS wouldn't let it, therefore I only was able to read, took me 5 comms to figure that out.

6 years 177 days ago
Am I the only one that is having issues with missing voiced dialogue.  In the first few missions so far,  Caius Thorne has no voice.  I’m just reading his lines.  Also I feel like the frame rate/basic performance on the standard PS4 needs a patch.  Is there anything in the video settings I can adjust to improve it slightly?