CO-OP is broken.


So me and my friend wanted to play together today. I thought it would have been a good idea to give my friend a meme virus so he could catch up with my level a bit faster(he is lvl 75 and I'm 79). I went a head and started an lvl 80 assassination mission and then my friend told me that he got fatal error in loading screen. I still completed the mission alone but the mission was a lag fest, I was teleportation around the map without actually using my "teleportation abilities". Then after i completed the mission my friend had logged back in and somehow he still got the rewards from holy order. 

We thought it was a one time thing and started another assassination, same thing happened, this time no rewards for him. Then we tried purge and again, fatal error in loading screen and the mission is a lag fest even alone. Then he actually managed to reconnect to the game but he couldn't move or dint see my character moving. Somehow enemies got a ridiculous damage buff, way over the normal coop buffs to the enemies. Then i died and all enemies disappeared from the map so we could even complete that mission. 

During this fiasco my friend lost the meme virus bonuses from 3 missions. I hope this gets fixed soon™ because the coop is very important part of the game and its much more fun to play together.

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CO-OP is broken.
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5 years 231 days ago
This is our highest priority, will fix it in the shortest time possible! Thanks for the report!