Cant talk to Ragna Van Wynter


Cant Access Ragna. She has 

a green explanation Mark. Cant enter the shop.

Character: HazukiPalomino



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Cant talk to Ragna Van Wynter
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5 years 316 days ago

Same for me. I opened a bug into / mantisb (no 0006442), but nothing change since then...

Steam account : sphaxorg, player : sphax, character : sphaxus

5 years 317 days ago
Thank you very much!
5 years 320 days ago

I have the same issue please help

Platform: PS4

Character name: MD5Jack

5 years 322 days ago
Please check on your account when you got some time. It should work now! 
5 years 323 days ago
Same Issue here on PC , impossible to talk to Ragna ='(

Character name : PepsiMan (Crusader)


5 years 323 days ago
Character name is Tirion.

5 years 323 days ago
I'm having the same problem, seems the storyline where you find Inquisitor Draken repeated for me and I didn't know I'd already done it at first. Now I'm stuck at the part before the Cathedral because I can no longer speak with Ragna. I'm on Xbox 1.

5 years 364 days ago
Same problem here. 

There seems to be TWO different quests pointing to talk to her. Her first conversations pops up allright (but doesn´t do anything really, since it´s from a mission FAR earlier - already finished), but then the exclamation mark persists (prob to the actual mission) and she doesn´t talk... like at all. X button does nothing, and I can´t progress the story NOR enter the shop. It´s maddening.

PSN Id Wustav

Character: Hepheus (Crusader).

6 years 11 days ago
Please check on it now, it should work as we have just seen!
6 years 12 days ago

i've the same , i can't talk to ragna since one week 


Character : Typhus



6 years 12 days ago

Please check on it a few hours from now! It will work once again!