Cant progress Chapter 2 Magis Biologis


Hello please help.

Can't progress in chapter 2 when you have to find the Magos Biologis. There are 3 story missions for this task and I guess it's a bug where the missions don't spawn or won't complete.

Well it says I have to do this mission but the purple missions won't appear in the game and I can't progress.

This is on Xbox One. Gamertag is Walthitman19

Character name is the same WaltHitman

Please help me, thank you for your time

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Cant progress Chapter 2 Magis Biologis
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4 years 273 days ago
Same issue

Completed on co op and though my hubby has credit for all three parts, I dont. And it wont let me access to just do it again.

Character name Morgaine

Xbox gamertag Bunneepewpew

Please fix, I have some nice gear I would rather not lose...

4 years 277 days ago
I have the same problem on PS4 and my lv72 crusader quests have gone out of sync too,  Sent an email to [email protected]. I hope this is fixable.