Campaign mission crash


Hi towards the end of the campaign mission Nereus 3 Under Siege it keeps crashing. Tried the mission again and reinstalling as well but didn't fix. 

PS4: Emiya00467

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Campaign mission crash
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5 years 319 days ago
Thanks for the tip. It helped and I could continue the campaign. 
5 years 320 days ago
We are working on the crash issue and will issue a patch as soon as possible with the fix. 

As a workaround please try to head directly towards the marker on the map and disregard anything else. That may help you get through the mission. Our apologize for the inconvenience this matter caused!

5 years 321 days ago
Same problem here on my PlayStation 4.
5 years 353 days ago

We will check the mission on our end and will try to reproduce the case, thanks for reporting it. Please once again try the mission and when it crashes please send a report to us with a title 'Nereus 3'. Thank you for that in advance!

This comment was edited 5 years 353 days ago by Marcopolocs