Bugs with Capt Van Wynter and Metrodora Thelema


On PC version:

I have a level 80ish Crusader and this character has none of the below issues. Just wanted to mention him for completeness...also he was my first max level character if that helps with troubleshooting.

I have a level 80ish Psyker and he has an exclamation point over Capt Van Wynter like I should be able to start a dialog but she just opens her inventory.

I have a level 80ish Assassin, has the same issues (exclamation point) over Capt Van Wynter and also one over Metrodora Thelema.  When I talk to Metrodora she goes through dialog regarding the status of Caius Thorn.  After the dialog is over the exclamation point is still above Metrodora's head and she no longer interacts with my character.  I can't change innoculator choices.

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Bugs with Capt Van Wynter and Metrodora Thelema
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5 years 207 days ago
Van Wynter has an exclamation point above her head, as if a dialog is waiting to play, however when I click on her I only get the store to open. Thanks!
5 years 207 days ago
I checked back on your issue, our colleagues looked into your account long ago but found no issue with it so I thought you can proceed properly. Would you describe the issue you encountered? 
5 years 208 days ago

I wanted to check on the status of this. The bug persists with 2.1 and the Prophecy expansion. Thanks!

5 years 228 days ago
Expect a fix soon!
5 years 229 days ago
Thanks a lot! I am on PC, both account and character name is: mythrantar
5 years 230 days ago
Please give us your PSN/Gamertag/account name as well as your character's name. We will handle the issue shortly after!
5 years 230 days ago

@Marcopolocs I have the same exact issue with my Crusader. Could you please take a look? Thanks!

This comment was edited 5 years 230 days ago by Mythrantar
5 years 235 days ago
I appreciate it! 
5 years 235 days ago
Who should you talk with ingame? 

@SIRJAYMZ‍ we will check on both of your characters, thanks for the report! 

5 years 236 days ago

No campaign missions showing.  No open investigations and I don't have any missing journal entries.  On all 3 characters.

Edit:  I did have one missing journal entry on my Crusader pre-2.0.  The bugged terminal in Uther's Tomb.  When 2.0 dropped, that specific mission was open to my crusader and I completed it.  If I remember correctly, I had to finish the campaign on my crusader from that point (freeing the Alpha, killing the Great Unclean One, etc).   That was the only missing entry (the ? in journal) any of the 3 characters had before 2.0 dropped for any campaign and dlc content.

Before 2.0, both my psyker and assassin had completed all journal entries for the campaigns/dlcs.  Hope that helps...

This comment was edited 5 years 236 days ago by SirJaymz
5 years 236 days ago
I see the same thing. All campaign missions were finished pre 2.0 release
5 years 236 days ago
I had completed all campaigns and all DLCs extra mission on all 3 before 2.0 patch.  FIrst one done was crusader, then pskyer then assassin.  However, when patch 2.0 dropped.  I did have a mission for one of the campaign parts pop up for all 3 characters.  It was only a portion of the campaign for each character.  For example, my crusader had uther's tomb redo.  My assassin had one mission in the middle of like chapter two pop up.  I don't remember what my psyker had but was similar.  It did not reset the whole campaign.  I did the mission again and no further parts repoped for each.
5 years 237 days ago
May we ask does either your Psyker or Assassin have campaign missions left?