So many chests, so few keys


Lv 60 now, from Lv 30-60, always playing season missions converted from Intel, but I found the keys are never enough to cover the boxes in Class 2 missions. So I keep playing Class 1 mission again and again.

And Class 3 missions are so rare that I only got one Class 3 Insignia with several hundreds of Class 1 Insignia dropped. I didn't use it because for most of time I don't have 5 keys at hand.

I met the new boss Soulgrinder once, in Class 2 missions. Quite a thrill.  It's a regret that we could only fight him with so little chance.

Please, if possible, consider to have higher drop rates  of Void Plunder Key, and Class 3 Insignia . They are something special for this season, right? 

This post was edited 3 years 227 days ago by Distemper
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So many chests, so few keys
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3 years 225 days ago

:DDDDD I should give this game a try.

Quoted from our next update's patch note: "Increasedthe drop rate of Void Plunder keys moderately" :)

3 years 226 days ago
I know I have up until now, 2 of these Void keys in my inventory, and I have no idea whatsoever what or how to use it.

Just having done a handful of specific Void Brethren Missions, and have met this Soul Grinder one single time, and he was/is one mean M-F(!&#% of a brute, mean, tough, nasty Chaos machine. And on top of that, he is one very angry Beast.

And then I was going yeehaaaww.

And it is extremely nice to have another mean Mob on the stage, so keep it up and bring more in with time. Loving it.

3 years 226 days ago
I find such design decision puzzling, to be honest. I thought the main purpose was for the players to run these seasonal missions. You even made it a point to highlight the 59 maps created just for this season. Where's the fun in being forced to rung the lowest missions with no keys?

I'm not saying the keys should drop at every turn, but it looks like we're at the other end of the spectrum here. At level 74, I have now ~400 tier one insignias, 100 tier 2 and 0 tier 3. I run these missions only occasionally, because I know I won't be able to unlock the chests. Why would I bother with them then? What kind of season is it, if there is almost no incentive to do the seasonal stuff (specifically created for this season)?

If your QA team want to find the right balance, they should test the drop rates via the classic drinking game. When a key drops, you take a shot. Spend a day playing it and if you end up drunk, the drops are too frequent; if you're sober, they don't drop enough. You want you QA team to end up being tipsy and in a good mood :-)  With the drop rates right now, I would probably feel like a teetotaller...

3 years 226 days ago
The issue will be fixed within hours thanks to a backend fix. :) Thanks, anyhow!
3 years 226 days ago
That's OK, any adjustment would be good.

From what I see in my community, when players find the key droppings don't live up to expectations,  many switch back to the "traditional" way of killing the Great Uncleaner or Fabius Bile, or Void Crusade to gather seasonal items.

By the way, please be noted that there seems to be bug in Void Crusade: finishing certain missions in the crusade would cause the final mission's difficulty to change and become very hard, no matter when the final mission is unlocked.

3 years 226 days ago

The numbers are not unbalanced in our opinion. Frankly, they are low but it was intentional to keep them low and make them hard to attain.

But, as always, I told our design team that some players find the drop rate too low, so they will consider some slight adjustments.

3 years 227 days ago

Yeah, the drop rates are considerably unbalanced. At level 67 I have yet to see a single tier 3 drop. Meanwhile, I am swimming in tier 1 insignias with nothing to do with them. How fun is it to endlessly run lowest tier seasonal missions, with no void keys?

Neocore, at least give us a way to convert / upgrade keys, to make these seasonal events more fun. We have the same forging method for psalms and shards, so why not this? Let's say: 5 insignias to be forged into 1 of the next tier. 10 insignias to be converted into a single void key.

Otherwise the RNG will keep the seasonal event down and we'll be able to run the higher tier missions once a week at best.