Bug Heavy Bolter


Doesnt work cooldown for Hellstorm.

-34% cooldown - 1 round 0.27 sec

base Concentrated Salvo - 1 round 0.3 sec.

Yet, despite that, Concentrated Salvo shoots more faster than Hellstorm.

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Bug Heavy Bolter
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6 years 41 days ago

WTF??? I test Spin-up Salvo, Concentrated Salvo - on this skills nodes -% cooldown doesnt work too. 

Why heavybolter have nodes -% cooldown on this skils, if they doesnt work??? WHY???

Why you do this??? I break my brain! I dont understand - this is useless! I spend many credits to roll thiss nodes - and they dont works. Result - i have nothing.

This comment was edited 6 years 41 days ago by XIIIth
6 years 45 days ago

Kortes is absolutely rights!

And why in game realised -% cooldown on channaled skils???

This is senseless.

This comment was edited 6 years 45 days ago by XIIIth
6 years 45 days ago

I would guess skill calcualtes DPS based on cooldown, despite the fact its channeled skill. So lowering the cooldown of the skill will display wrong DPS, considering this skill is being just normal that is pressed(activated) each time on cooldown.

Like if you have witchfire with 1 sec cooldown dealing 100dmg it has 100DPS, but if you lower cooldown to 0.5sec, it will display 200DPS cause you can press it 2 times a second dealing 100damage each time.

Which is irrelevant for all type of channaled skils

6 years 45 days ago
How you meant its dps is shown incorrect?
6 years 46 days ago
This is very BAD - because DPS is shown incorrect and most part skills works faster with this bonus. 

HellStorm - not good skill if it havnt bonus on cooldown.

6 years 46 days ago
Thank you for the video, now I understand your point.

As @WELEWALA‍ said the cooldown goes only for how fast you can recast the given skill. This does not affect the pace of the channeling. The skills are working as designed.

6 years 46 days ago

I think - this is bug - becouse DPS - specify wrong. It influences on gameplay.

One more - why then reduction cooldown on such skills in general is present at a game? - this is wrong.

I think that it needs to be fixed.

6 years 46 days ago

The bug you mentioned about -% cooldown ... -% cooldown does not affect how channeling skills perform during channeling, it only affect how fast the cooldown complete after you finish with the skill (in this case, how fast you can cast it again after finishing channeling), same concept apply to all skills that do multiple hits within one skill cast/attack (channeling, rapid fire, salvo, etc.).

6 years 47 days ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATwNu1Y2J2Q&feature=youtu.be - i make video with bug.

This comment was edited 6 years 47 days ago by XIIIth
6 years 49 days ago
Oh, sorry i dont have perk Tactic - i misstake. 
6 years 49 days ago
I can make a short video with test this bug. If it can help.
6 years 49 days ago
Its 1 of 3 rolling perks on HeavyBolter
6 years 50 days ago
So the Tactician perk is not working? We will check on this!

May I ask what were you referring to then? What the -34% cooldown represents or where it comes from?

6 years 51 days ago
No, not use - becouse it doesnt work too.
6 years 51 days ago

May I ask are you using the Tactician perk which reduce the cooldown of every skill by 30%?

This comment was edited 6 years 51 days ago by Marcopolocs