A little list of bugs I stumbled upon playing in this my first 60lvl character so far



First of all I want to say that I am a huge fan of Games Workshop and all that huge Warhammer Universe. I find awesome that a lot of Warhammer games are released. I am also fan of ARPG, its a genre I find pleasure in playing with my friends.

And for your company this is the second game I buy, the first one being Deathtrap.

With that said, lets list the bugs:

- In multiplayer games, sometimes someone DC without any reason or error code.

- During a MP mission, the party leader DC, but other players manage to continue playing, but when they finish the mission they lose their progress. Again no error code.

- Sometimes after a mission, the itens are not displayed at player inventory. We need to close the game and open again. No error code.

- Some % attributes do not stack mathematicaly. Maybe I should research more about how it works in the game. If someone could point me directions I would glad check this information again.

Now, not bugs, but more a usability feature that me and my friends think would improve game experience.

- The UI in a mission. When you need to click at and item, you simply have a hard time to find the pixel the correspond to the item you want to pick. The cursor then turns into a much bigger version of it BUT you really need to point an specific pixel so it can turn into that. I think the purpose was to enhance the ability of the player to click at the item, but it dosen't help. At all.

- When you need to select just 1 item of a stack, you can't. You need to pick all the stack.

- We should be able to drop an item in the ground, so anyone in the party could pick it. Seriously.

Well. Of course there are a lot of things I do really enjoyed in the game, like the gear customization and the mission challanges you can adjust to make it even more harder. They are clever usage of that kind of mechanic. But I want to make a post about all the good stuff I liked when I get to the endgame content, so I don't miss a thing.

Overall I find it a very enjoyable game for the players that want a ARPG that is not set in a Sword and Magic universe.

Thanks for you time.

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4 years 217 days ago
Posted by Borogove 4 years 219 days ago

Hello and welcome, Maksimun.

- Some % attributes do not stack mathematicaly. Maybe I should research more about how it works in the game. If someone could point me directions I would glad check this information again.

I'm interested in which attributes you're referring to. There's not a ton of information about how the inner mechanics of the game works, but I suppose I take a personal interest. Points of confusion players have are always good to understand.

- When you need to select just 1 item of a stack, you can't. You need to pick all the stack.

Assuming you're on PC, try holding Control while dragging the item to another slot. That should bring up the split-stack dialogue box. On console, well, I'm sure there's a way, but I don't know it.

Glad you're enjoying the game and hope it continues!

On the xbox you can split stacks by moving them.
  • Use the X button when a stack is selected
  • Move the cursor to a different location in your inventory
  • Hit the A button. 
  • At this point a window comes up asking how many of the stack you want to move.
4 years 219 days ago
Hrmm. The good news is that both crit hit chance and heat damage are straight additive with themselves. There's no funny math there, and neither have base values (you start with 0% of each). The bad news is that means I'm not sure what you're running into that's causing the confusion.

In some cases, modifying the stats on gear or adding psalms/shards to sockets requires you to take off and re-equip the item in order for its stats to appear on the character sheet. Also, there is a 50% soft cap to critical hit chance, so most normal sources of it won't push you over that. But neither of these things seem to be relevant to the situation you're describing.

It's easy to make mistakes or overlook something when trying to manually compute the total value of something, so I suspect there's probably another source you're missing, but it's hard to say without being in your shoes. That said, there's always a chance that there's a bug. Sorry I couldn't help more!

4 years 219 days ago
Posted by Borogove 4 years 219 days ago

Hello and welcome, Maksimun.

- Some % attributes do not stack mathematicaly. Maybe I should research more about how it works in the game. If someone could point me directions I would glad check this information again.

I'm interested in which attributes you're referring to. There's not a ton of information about how the inner mechanics of the game works, but I suppose I take a personal interest. Points of confusion players have are always good to understand.

- When you need to select just 1 item of a stack, you can't. You need to pick all the stack.

Assuming you're on PC, try holding Control while dragging the item to another slot. That should bring up the split-stack dialogue box. On console, well, I'm sure there's a way, but I don't know it.

Glad you're enjoying the game and hope it continues!

Take for instance the crit hit chance. I have the following modifiers:

+8.8% from overall gear

-1% from all passives (yes, there is a talent that reduces crit but improve other areas I need)

+5% from attributes

I should take +-12% crit chance but I get 19%! Maybe I am missing something, like a base value. And this is only one attribute. Heat damage bonus goes the same way.

4 years 219 days ago

Hello and welcome, Maksimun.

- Some % attributes do not stack mathematicaly. Maybe I should research more about how it works in the game. If someone could point me directions I would glad check this information again.

I'm interested in which attributes you're referring to. There's not a ton of information about how the inner mechanics of the game works, but I suppose I take a personal interest. Points of confusion players have are always good to understand.

- When you need to select just 1 item of a stack, you can't. You need to pick all the stack.

Assuming you're on PC, try holding Control while dragging the item to another slot. That should bring up the split-stack dialogue box. On console, well, I'm sure there's a way, but I don't know it.

Glad you're enjoying the game and hope it continues!