World Event, Single Goal of 5000 killed Rebels is a bit much...


1000 would be a better fit, or maybe at least multiple tiers so that lower totals already give some reward... killing 5000 NPCs without any real story context/presentation, that's grind of Asia MMO proportions, i.e. supremely boring and repetitive.

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World Event, Single Goal of 5000 killed Rebels is a bit much...
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6 years 262 days ago
Brother Kundari
Well, it sure would be nice if there were a central guild hub where members could meet -- maybe the devs'll add that eventually.

I know that I've definitely been hearing footsteps on my bridge while I was in menus... first time I actually thought it was something like mentioned above, since I noticed it the first time immediately after joining a Cabal.

Alas, no one was actually there.

6 years 262 days ago
Homer Morisson

Hhmmm. Okee. That I did not know. I thought some things were a bit different in a Guild/Cabal.

Yes, I know of bonuses and such. Have read about that.

6 years 263 days ago
Brother Kundari
Being in a cabal doesn't do anything for emotes, as you are still alone on your ship and everyone else in your cabal is alone on theirs, not seeing anyone else either.
6 years 263 days ago
Posted by Homer Morisson 6 years 264 days ago

Are you aware though that, at least currently, other players in coop or PvP cannot even see you perform any emotes?It's completely bugged, other players just see your character spazz out and jerk around a bit.

Nope, not at all. Because 1. I have not until this date played in PVP, and 2. In Coop you can´t do anything else than do your Mission and that´s it. Bang. Done. Who cares if one is Spazzing out and jerks around in a Coop Mission anyway? Lol. Go ahead and smite down those Chaos scum, that´s what you are supposed to do in Coop Missions.

Emotes and such things are supposed to be done in (If you have/are in one) Guild, or Cabal as it´s called here.

And besides, in PVP. Who is interested in doing Emotes anyways there? Go and smack down your opponent before he does the same to you. LOL.

6 years 264 days ago
Brother Kundari

Are you aware though that, at least currently, other players in coop or PvP cannot even see you perform any emotes?It's completely bugged, other players just see your character spazz out and jerk around a bit.

6 years 264 days ago
Well, I have said pretty much what I have to say about this event over in the Thread called - Global Event: Invasion of Malcorum Prime.

Other then that I would like to add that it was a wish for me to actually have that Emote even though it was just an emote. But perhaps with some luck, they might just have that Emote available in another Event in the future, so all of us who didn´t make it might have another chance.

6 years 264 days ago
First the most important thing about the event. Thanks to all those who grinded the 50.000.000 rebels. I gave up half way.

My thoughts about the event. 1Thump up 3 Thumps down.

Thump up for the idea that the whole community works together for the reward. 

First thumb down: Too many kills for solo players. My mission results ranged at 130 to 150 kills (rebel only) in 15 to 20 minutes. To get those 5.000 kills the calculated time lies between 500 and 770 minutes. Grinding might be okay but at one point it gets booooooooooooooooring.

Second thumb down:

The reward for the players was... meeeeeeeeeh. Some worthless emote for 500 to 770 minutes? Emotes are nice to have, but in my opinion not that nice. The overall reward for 50.000.000 kills... a loot box and pitfull 100 influence points.  I don't know how other players are interested in Influence points, but as the event has been in  the starting system  I think there were a lot of player that allready reached the max influence there (not me, i went straight for the campaign and did side quests only when I needed equipment)

Third thumb down:

The challenge / reward of the missions themself. The event was in a beginner system but with relative high power rating.  To get there I had to do some side missions / assignments to level up. After 3 or 4 runs and new equipment I overshot the requirements with the negative effect that the glory points for the missions dropped. Even switching gear to reduce my power level didn't work as the power level for the missions adjusted downwards too. So i had to do booooooooooooooring repetetive missions with an worthless overall reward and no usefull reward for the missions themself.  

So the overall idea for the event was ok. Perhaps the "challenge" option from the campaign could help a bit. That way players can do the boring stuff  but also optain sufficient glory and influence in the Event sector. Also the overall time was a little short for that sort of boring task. And please put in some more interesting rewards. I don't know the average age of the community but I can't imagine that there are whole armies of inquisitors trying to emote a great unclean back into the warp.

6 years 264 days ago
My problem was, why is every mission +100+ PR? I failed so many missions because they were all too tough. Not sure what the point of that was, or why they couldn't  be generated at our same PR.:/


6 years 264 days ago

Yeah as someone who had too do stuff this weekend and only came home today i 've really tried t o get the 5K but i wont make it in time only at 3232 with 15 min remaining meh kinda sad. Wish they'd factor in people have a life.

6 years 264 days ago
Yeah as someone who had too do stuff this weekend and only came home today i 've really tried t o get the 5K but i wont make it in time only at 3232 with 15 min remaining meh kinda sad. Wish they'd factor in people have a life.
6 years 264 days ago
I am sure you get the community rewards mate but not the individual one as that is the 5k one. It sucks to hear that you and many others couldn't get the 5k in time (not being condescending to you or the others in any way) Maybe in future they will reduce the amount for people who could not reach it or else solve the issue by making it so that people of different ranks/PR only have to farm their tier level meaning in your case, 125PR. 

Best of luck to you in the future! and Keep the happy purging going!

6 years 264 days ago

This is just my experience, but for me 5k kills in those 3 days was just not possible.  I have a family and a job, so I agree that a lower number would have been more reasonable.  I know my situation is not everyone's situation.  Also, I found the same thing other people were talking about, which is the rank of the missions outranked me to the point the grind was slow.  I was rank 6 with a PR of about 125 when i started, and most missions for me were in the 250-3?? range.  I did find I was able to complete the lower end yellows in between the green missions that would spawn, and they would typically be way under my PR making them useless runs except for the kills.  I was able to get to about 1700 kills, mainly playing yesterday, then realizing i couldn't hit the goal so I went back to leveling.  If the community goal is reached do we all get that reward or just people that hit 5k?

6 years 264 days ago

they should just said its a little prelude instead of "the first opportunity to carve your name into xy" so people would feel more casual about it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6 years 265 days ago

Regarding the lvl of the missions,

they were around 550-700 or so on my 2nd pskyer that I am leveling now, for that char most missions were low green up to somewhat yellow, and no threat at all.

I would have thought the missions spawned for everyone at their green-yellow range, regardless of PR, anything else would be outright super stupid.

Really annoying is, once you did all the "good" missions and there are only siege left, that give 20% of exp/fate always, or bunker buster missions that tend to be un-finish-able due to the mis-aligned bunker that is not reachable.

There is so much stuff coming together in this "event", and I dare you call "grind 50-60 missions for an emote" an event!

It really looks like the devs did a brainstorming on how to break the ARPG record for annoying players most,
which though goes well in line with all the other stuff that is unchanged and unfixed since alpha, with not even a word of the devs on all that like the 1000-ways-to-randomly-lose-all-your-buffs, the 2 bugs that make tactical crusaders turrets completely unusable, the high end grind perk self flagellation that is bugged for psykers ever since, and all those other little things everyone knows already for a long time...

...but yea, by all means, ignore all that and make a 50-60 missions grind for nothing and call it an event.  -.-

I ended up going for max speed (+70%) and doing the missions in 2m to 2m 30s usually while picking up every non-horde kill I could find,
and that is stil 2.5h straigh hardcore grind, not even counting in time for checking loot and stuff, rather 4h+ for the average player,
you just don't do that, really.

This comment was edited 6 years 265 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 265 days ago
Personally I don't really have a problem with the 5000 Rebel grind as I am an avid MMO and ARPG player and as we all know this kind of activity can be part for the course.

My problem with the event was the random 'shifting of the goal posts' which I encountered while trying to join in with the event. I'll explain what I mean, although a couple of fellow players have touched on my issue.

When I logged in on Sunday morning to start the event I was level 22 with a PR sitting at about the 550 mark. Checking the maps in the event system I believe the lowest PR level was 640. I didn't feel that this was a problem, a couple of hours story grinding, Tarot missions and Random Assignments should do the trick. Fast forward a couple of hours and I am sitting with a PR around about the 640 mark and so I head over to the event system. Once there I find to my surprise that the lowest PR level has jumped to 718. I thought I'd still give it a crack but the damage I was taking and outputting was nowhere near good enough to make a dent into the event. I just gave up and went back to levelling.

I am wondering if I missed something here. Was this a max level only event? Was it a bug? Was there a breadcrumb mission that I missed? I have no idea, but I am fairly disappointed on a personal level that I couldn't get involved. I wasn't bothered about the boredom of the potential grind as Netflix, the World Cup and booze takes care of that.I just found it weird that the PR rating had shifted with no explanation.

Anyway, that's my experience of the 'event'. I'm not going to knock the DEVS too much about this but I hope they do take note of some of the fair and valid points raised by my fellow players here. 

Although the game is a tad rough around the edges I believe it has potential to grow and it's set in a fantastic universe.

Onwards and upwards.

6 years 265 days ago
I gave up on the event after only running two missions. I started out at PR 370ish and all of the missions moved up to at least 450 and well into 500. I'm not going to grind gear just so I can grind 5000 kills.
6 years 266 days ago

1: I totally agree that the reward should be something else, i don't know what but not just an emote.

2: Tiers in community events would be awesome just like Elite Dangerous for casual family or hardworking players and the hardcore or burned brain ones.
3: Many say that 4-5  hours farming was too much but personally i was happy that i made it cause i got a profit of  1.5 million credits, many buffs, around 6-7 relics and around 500 fate. Let's be honest, none of us wouldn't do such a farm if there wasn't the event carrot thing. So that takes us back to number 1. in order to take part in the future again in an event..
1: I totally agree that the reward should be something else, i don't know what but not just an emote

6 years 266 days ago
5000 kills is just to much. No way I can do that and keep a real life running.

A a lower number would be more realistic for a lot of us.

6 years 266 days ago

Guys please have a look at Megapull post :

"During the next weekend (June 15-17), a shorter global event will take place. This will be tied in with a new short story from the Caligari Archivum, and Inquisitors will have to deal with invaders at a new point of interest. There will be community-wide goals to achieve for this event, and of course, successful Inquisitors' efforts won't go unrewarded." 

A shorter Global event ... all is write here ... we have understand 5000 is to much for a lot of us ... for myself too i'm in family this weekend its father's day and i prefer spend my time other way, but don't forget its a community based game so some of us will unlock the perk for give us the community reward and its most usefull ( maybe ) than the emote so don't forget that every one will be rewarded and for the one's saying its just a little event there is no story etc ... Excuse me but they never say it will be a big new story line ... we have a background a little event and a story of the Caligari Archivum ... On E-Book but we have it and i think for this time Neocore give us all they say ... Little Community Event and a Story ...

So please don't say its a shame i like this kind of event its challing with the leaderbord and every one will be rewarded ... After its my point of view not everyone may agree with me ^^ 

Good luck inquisitors ! =p

6 years 266 days ago
You get like 100 kills per mission (horde does not count!),

one mission is like 5 minutes if you're not too low,
that makes 50 missions (rather 60 actually).

That is WELL OVER FOUR FKING HOURS OF STRAIGHT GRIND and they call it an event?!?!
And give you a useless emote as reward?!?


6 years 266 days ago
And yep, a few hours ago the Leaderboards showed 2 million points, which is of course BS. No one is able to get that many points in 24hrs. Anyway, it´s been removed now, so... .

And when it comes to this event this weekend, I will not be able to get to 5000 Pts I think. A bit hard since I lack the power Rating for most Missions.

And when it comes to this Event, I will say this is only a tiny little thing to kick off bigger things down the road with.

I clearly remember something they wrote within 1 month upcoming will come of Event they wrote. Anyways, this summer will bring one big Event, and then people will say: Marvellous, nice, so sool, etc, etc..

6 years 266 days ago
I will speak for myself but when I play games like this I don't want emote rewards, can't speak for others but appreciate them never the less. I personally was hoping for something to do with a change of armour look/style or something else. Emotes are not my thing in any game especially  a ARPG. Neocore games, if you read this I thank you but I hope in future I hope there is something else rewarded personally. 

As about the kill count (5000) which I see people going on about well I don't know how hard it is for others, I ain't going to brag either it did take about 5 - 7 hours of farming getting kills each map between 100 to 200 which I personally was fine with., but again I can't speak for everyone. Anyways if majority demands it be less in future than I couldn't complain. Just the reward was the biggest downer for me. 

Thank you and keep up the good work, loving the game and looking forward to more content.

6 years 266 days ago
The "event" is grinding 50-60 really boring mission.

and on top of that, at a point you HAVE TO do missions of type "siege" that only grant you 20% of both the experiene and fate they should!

This looks as if it is a deliberate trolling of the devs, kicking the playerbase in their nuts.

There is hardly any other explanation to this.... "event" by all means.

6 years 266 days ago
I think Neocores only mistake was calling it an event, It's just a precursor to the event. The fancy title built up expectations unrealistically. Next time I'd make the rewards abit better as now I have a choice, gear up for the first Event or try get these kills done. But that's just due to the nature of my job, I'd imagine most people have more time for both. 

I think it's just designed as a goal for people who are already in the end game phase, hence the objective rewards. I don't mind that I probably wont get the emote but I'd cry (real inquisitorial man tears ofc!) if I missed say a Witch Hunter hat (cough..cough) or something.

6 years 266 days ago

I agree. The number is way too high, a lot of us have family/jobs/etc. and do not want to spend our time grinding repetitive missions. The reward is not something most would be super excited about (a salute emote ?). Not only that, but it seems that meme virus for extra xp does not work at all on those event missions, and the xp they give is a joke. For me there is no real incentive to be a part of this event. I hope future events are better balanced and have better rewards. The game is lacking a lot of things right now. Armor skins are few and bland, not much of a difference between the 3 tiers of customisation, items that can apparently be customised do not even appear on the character, no option to disable the long, buggy melee executions and the list can continue. It feels like the game was rushed out to meet the release date and lacks polish.

6 years 266 days ago
So far im not really seeing the huge deal, the bigger picture is we're helping write the continuing story for that area. and possibly adverting a bigger heresy later on. I'm not going to try and guess what the grand scheme could be. As for the Emote as a personal reward,..meh,..its not going to be a deal breaker though. Maybe the community reward is where the good stuff is...can't be certain of anything right now. Even if its just a loot box like all the rest,..we can say we pulled off the turbo grind of 2018.  
6 years 266 days ago
Posted by Kadofflbauer 6 years 266 days ago

speaking of the leaderboard.... i dont think thats possible in a normal way what i just saw in the leaderboard.... im am a similar lvl and have 3,5K rebels killed....

a 2 million count on lvl 35...nah i dont think so...
the other leader are all around lvl 50 (if the scaling of the dead rebels/per mission has something to do with your lvl)
i get 100-150 being lvl 32

should be checked....

yes i believe the fastest possible average runtime is 2,5 - 3 min per run. maybe with teleport ppl can be a tad bit faster. so with an average count of 200 per mission ~ 50 hrs for 200k. maybe there is a faster way botting w/o finsihing mission idk but something something could be fishy.
6 years 266 days ago
Main issue is simply that it's an unimaginative and dull event. Grinding out 30+ low reward missions that offer no challenge or anything different to do, just for an emote...  Nah thanks. Not a good start to the season. Hopefully it will improve.

But the multiplayer lag seems to have cleared up, so maybe they were busy fixing that and only had 2mins left for event planning. ;)

6 years 266 days ago
Posted by Kadofflbauer 6 years 266 days ago

speaking of the leaderboard.... i dont think thats possible in a normal way what i just saw in the leaderboard.... im am a similar lvl and have 3,5K rebels killed....

a 2 million count on lvl 35...nah i dont think so...
the other leader are all around lvl 50 (if the scaling of the dead rebels/per mission has something to do with your lvl)
i get 100-150 being lvl 32

should be checked....

I'm sure their response will be something like "Working as intended".  That's just sad and pathetic though.

6 years 266 days ago

speaking of the leaderboard.... i dont think thats possible in a normal way what i just saw in the leaderboard.... im am a similar lvl and have 3,5K rebels killed....

a 2 million count on lvl 35...nah i dont think so...
the other leader are all around lvl 50 (if the scaling of the dead rebels/per mission has something to do with your lvl)
i get 100-150 being lvl 32

should be checked....

This comment was edited 6 years 266 days ago by Kadofflbauer
6 years 266 days ago
Pham Nuwen
Actually that is possible... I had one mission where I killed 209 Rebels, while the other one only had 115... seems to fluctuate extremely.
6 years 266 days ago
You're not getting 200 kills in a single mission, unless there's some weird scaling going on.  A purge mission for me is 100.
6 years 266 days ago
It isn't about wether it's a challenge to kill 5000 mobs or not -- it's about the fact that it's utterly boring, unimaginative and repetitive grinding that is about the worst kind of gameplay imaginable.

And all of that for an emote that other players cannot even see you do... 

6 years 266 days ago

The Leaderbords can't be the Measuring Stick to define what is possible and what is impossible. Some of us, the Guys with a real life, won't have Time to do 50! Missions during 1 weekend. There is much more to do than just playing a Game. 5000 is much, to much - and the missing response of the Developers is unacceptable. 

There are some Players with Lvl5 Characters out there, which can't participate because the Missions have a 400+ Power Rating - atleast - there are Players stating that they won't participate because they have not enough time to reach the Goal (why they should start a race that they will never be able to end), and we got no response at all.

This Event should fail, to show the Devs that they should start to listen to the people - and PLEASE - do not tell us, that the E-Penis Board should be the Measuring Stick for any Requirements.

This comment was edited 6 years 266 days ago by Brax Malcharion
6 years 266 days ago
I can see the reasons why some think that 1000 could and would be enough. Not everyone is having time to grind 5k in this kind of game. It does take time.

But on the other side of these things, is 5000 really THAT much? No, in fact it is not. It is totally NOTHING. Assuming you have the time to actually do it of course.

But on the subject of much. How does 30 000 ++ sound? And that was done in less then 8 hours, I know. It is very likely to be WAAYYY higher now.

Is that even possible? Is that even the slightest achieveable for a regular person to do? Just check the Leaderboards for this event. Or is it as I think, huge time plain simply big time cheating?!

You who are good in mathematics, could perhaps figure it out. I´m able to churn out everything from 150 to 300 in score for (in SOME cases might even score a bit more) each run I take. I´m not the fastest, I´m not the strongest Character build either, so I certainly have to be careful during each run I go. I can´t rush in to the enemy crowd and slaughter away, regarding everything I see of enemy. I am likely to spend everything from 9-12 mts to likely 25 mts each run.

Would it even be POSSIBLE for me to churn out that kind of a number in such an amount of time?

I can see myself (with big dedication) in that timeframe, churn out everything from 5000 up to even 10 000, maybe even 12000 with some good luck. But 30 000 ++ pts??! Seriously, come on. Gimme a break.

6 years 266 days ago
I think, the Number of Enemies seems to be related to the Players Level. I'm below Lvl20 and I get 80-130 Enemies of the required Class. And: It depends (as it does at all of the Game Features) on the Class you are playing, As we can read at the Hub here and at Steam, the Psyker and/or Assassin can kill much faster. 

5000 is to much (for me), and for me the PR550+ Missions are to strong. I have to take Time while playing each Mission, so I only can complete 2 or 3 within one Hour.

Sadly: The Event doesn't give much fun. Is boring due to the same kind of Mission, it's to difficult due to the huge Number of required Kills and due to the Level (Power Rating) of the Missions. Sadly ....

6 years 266 days ago

5000 kills isn't anything special, the usual spawns I had were about 165 to  210+ at level 27 to 29, and finished it today.

It isn't complicated and just quite easy to do. What I'm saying, comparing 5000 kills in this game to let's say Warframe, Warhammer 40K is fine with it due to spawns being rather consistent. Whereas in Warframe it's random and actually bullshit at times, and I've played Warframe for 4 years and still do. 

So saying 5000 kills "is a bit too much", is an overstatement. If you take the worst example for Warframe, farm Equinox. Equinox requires both the day and night frame, each requiring 3 parts, a total of 6, and then finally make the warframe itself: Equinox. Where the actual shit in this, is the amount of RNG in Warframe is actually terrible at times. 

Yes, I know both play differently, but both has RNG of course, but Warhammer 40K here is actually more fair and this event is fine in a sense that you get reward towards glory (I got more than half ways just by doing the event alone), and the levels in addition to fate. 

Besides, take it easy doing this event, rushing it will just result in you stressing and come to an irrational thought process. And I see this coming more and more because people expect to have an easy time, and I can only say: Remember games like this, wants players returning for with an investment in time (and money of course). 

6 years 266 days ago

Your ability to exploit the game to get higher than normal kills per hour doesn't equate to good game design.  The opposite actually.

6 years 266 days ago
I was pretty excited for this event until I logged on and saw the requirements.... 5k is way too much imo. Inquisitor is not a fast paced game like D3, so killing 5k rebels would take a long time and frankly get pretty boring doing the same mission over and over. I can live without the emote but overall it's pretty disappointing and I think it'll turn off a lot of casual players.

 I'm not saying they should cater to casual players but not everyone has 5 hours to spend on a mind numbing task like this.
6 years 266 days ago
5000...was done in 5 h yesterday...really not that ''Grind''
6 years 267 days ago
while with the right character setup and playstyle its really doable within two evenings i understand these concerns and agree with them. there is people ( sometimes i am one of them ) that like to casually grind. 

so a tiered reward system kind of similar to the influence system on the planets would be nice. imho make the most desireable things to be rwarded first. i know people will say that then its not a reward but a giveaway but the upside is that no one feels left out or feels like they are not "hardcore" enough.

the high end tier rewards should be something designed for hardcore grinding players. you can do unique appereals that only the grindiest of the grinder can achieve in hopes of more people turning into harcore players but this didnt happen in one game i was playing so i have reasonable doubts that it will happen here.

maybe this needs long term tweaking but i definately agree with the op that there is an issue that is to be handled carefully and afaik there will be no "best" solution to please everyone.

6 years 267 days ago
As I wrote in another thread, I'd have to do 34 missions over one(!) weekend to get the 5000 kills required.

I already have to do repetitive things at work, I do not need that on a weekend...

6 years 267 days ago
i have hopes for the chest
6 years 267 days ago
I agree with all this.

This "event" was really lazy made by the devs and totally demotivating for the players in so many ways.

It would have been better if the devs had spent their time fixing bugs, and actually, it would have been better if they had just not made this "event" and went partying instead or so.

Bad move, really.

6 years 267 days ago
I could see a tiered reward system being nice. Especially given that it seems atm that the XP and Fate are's almost not worth it just for a salute emote. 

I'm more concerned about the overall goal (50m). It doesn't look like it's really growing much...I'd prefer the overall goal reward, but I'm concered about the ability to meet that. We'll see how things turn out once we reach the weekend where more people will be could just be timing at the moment.