Will we see ANY console content or support in 020.M2?


It's probably been ask, then removed, like so many other threads asking for console information, content and or support BUT are there any plans for support or viable content for console in 2020?

PROPHECY- we are currently PAST the 5 mon release date, usually no longer than 3 mons for "port", with the only information being post like "Our console team is working hard to bring P.C. content to console." etc etc... Also telling me to watch your 2 hr P.C. Twitch Dev Stream IS NOT HELPFUL since if they're the P.C. Devs 98.7% chance they have as much first hand knowledge bout the console then this weeks Lucky Loto winning numbers.

Weekly Bonus Events- don't exactly know what this maybe but judging by the discontent from PC boards it a tie in to Prophecy to increase resources? Why isn'tthere an equivalentfor console to increase Fate gain or eve increased credits? I've come to the point after hitting 90's, I'm at Max, I no longer purchase thre special crates from Ragna since they're noot worth the resources

General lack of support- first off I do understand this is a PC FIRST game BUT as a console player we had to PAY REAL MONEY TRANSACTIONS for all content P.C. players had the choice to use in game currencyto purchase DLC, cosmetics, etc...

Also on console the game is by no way price friendly in comparison to Steam wth the non sale price 100% of day one. Cosole prices are set by game company and not by console store. More people passed this game over during the holiday sales due to price where the game is still broken and bugged going into its year 2. 

I want to state that I love this game and really REALLY want to see great thing but it feels like an abusive or parasitic relationship, BTW I've been married twice and served in the armed service, and it seems healthier to leave with good memories rather than thinking things might change

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Will we see ANY console content or support in 020.M2?
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5 years 33 days ago

ETA? It's already approaching February 2020...

5 years 36 days ago
Posted by Waagabond 5 years 43 days ago
Let me also add this:

WHEN you release Prophecy for Consoles. You better make sure its released with reduced pricing as per Holiday sales.

If you release this with its full release price as when released for PC you will shoot yourself in the foot big time. Just a suggestion.

Or be honest and let the community know you no longer plan to support the console market. As quite franky, your on the border of not actually supporting console as it is now. 

I concur 100%!

Supporting the game well brings in players and then word of mouth helps with sales. Sadly due to the support of the game the latter never happened and the sales suffered as seen already. Love the campaign of the game but the open world catch phrase should be dropped as it's nothing like that really.

Anyways like to see this finally come out and better not be a stupid joke of a asking price just taking advantage of the 40k fanbase.

This comment was edited 5 years 36 days ago by BLACKPANTHERVII
5 years 43 days ago
Let me also add this:

WHEN you release Prophecy for Consoles. You better make sure its released with reduced pricing as per Holiday sales.

If you release this with its full release price as when released for PC you will shoot yourself in the foot big time. Just a suggestion.

Or be honest and let the community know you no longer plan to support the console market. As quite franky, your on the border of not actually supporting console as it is now. 

5 years 43 days ago
Considering the combined player base on Consoles is equal to PC player base I see no reason why you do not prioritize the Console patches, expansions.

For future content ensure the release is same date.

5, 6 months delay for an expansion for a full prized game is beyond none acceptable.

Loving the game to be fair, one of the better APRGS I played, I have it up there with POE and D3, better then D3 in my humble opinion. But still TBA for Prophecy and missing road map content which the PC has, is no way to treat any game unless its a 10 dollar game on release and 2.99 after 3 months. 

For future games I strongly consider not releasing for console if you plan to continue this kind of support. 

5 years 52 days ago

you can expect the Prophecy DLC to be released this winter. We will reveal the exact release date soon.
Weekly Bonus Events as well as the other events which come to PC (or came like the 'Edict Of Termination') are also planned to make their way to console in the following months.
We will also update the game with patches containing bug fixes. 
