Why does the exp suck?


I really like the game, been playing since it was released,  am enjoying the tech priest update. However the exp received for missions is pretty bad.....why on earth do we not get exp for killing enemies in missions,not asking for a whole lot.....even 2exp per little grunt and 10 for end level bosses and in between maybe 5 or something for the mini bosses that roam.  The grinding is getting repetitive and depressingly mundane, and void crusades are not much better......is there any plan to maybe give exp for mission kills? It would help alot

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Why does the exp suck?
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4 years 326 days ago
XP with Tarot and Meme virus

4 years 326 days ago
But on the topic. I have 6 *100 and deleted 2*100s so have no issues with exp gain.

4 years 327 days ago
Oh ok I never noticed that, will have yo keep an eye out. I know tarot cards can help boost exp just wondered why it was low. Cheers for the replies and dont worry about the thumbs down it's cool lol
4 years 327 days ago
Posted by Rigg 4 years 327 days ago

we get exp for killing enemies in missions. a long bar at the bottom left displays the experience gaining on the mission. also use "Murder" tarot and "Meme virus" to get more exp. and choose or create(by tarot) mission above your level +5, +7 and more if you can complete such a mission.

Sorry about the thumbs down. On the train and hit the wrong one. Can't remove it. 
4 years 327 days ago

we get exp for killing enemies in missions. a long bar at the bottom left displays the experience gaining on the mission. also use "Murder" tarot and "Meme virus" to get more exp. and choose or create(by tarot) mission above your level +5, +7 and more if you can complete such a mission.