What were you thinking?


So I really like the Drukhari/Dark Eldar addition it brings more variety of enemies but I have to ask, What in the EMPERORS NAME WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU DECIDED TO ADD MORE TIMED MISSIONS???

So I'm on the last mission of the first new chapter and I'm supposed to get to point A and then to point B before times runs out.

The first problem I have is that you're asking us to do this WITHOUT A FECKING CLOCK ON THE SCREEN or a HEALTHBAR for the doors on the screen giving us no indication as to how long we have till we fail.

The second problem I have is that we have to sprint to point A then B no fighting anything IN AN ARPG just to get to point A the leg it to point B all while under CONSTANT ATTCK!


What made you think this was/is a good idea?

it doesn't mix things up!

it doesn't make the game more interesting or fun but instead makes the game shyte!

Why in an ARPG would you ask us to just run through enemies instead of killing them?

in addition to that the time to do this dumb task seems to be WAY TOO SHORT!

I hate that I feel that I'm having a pop at you lot as Martyr has the potential to be 1 of the best (if not THE) 40K games on the market but so far you seem to be falling way short of the mark. 

There's no real incentive to carry on playing after you hit 50.

no unique skins, weapons or armour.

No new skills or even emotes.

There's nothing to keep us engaged and to keep us with you lot.

if you really want this game to succeed you need to sort this game out.

Give us something to strive for and to grind for! because even levelling up in this game is boring and the only rewards you get are stat changes. F**K ME CHAPS you think that changing a few numbers is an adequate enough reward when levelling up?

Again, I really did enjoy this game but seeing how you've squandered the opportunity in front of you I can see this game dying off relatively quickly unless you pull your fingers out and start making DRASTIC CHANGES!

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6 years 216 days ago
Inho, they thought: ''Launch now, playerbase eats it". Money over quality, not big surprise nowadays.
6 years 217 days ago
Posted by Deportivo 6 years 217 days ago
Ridiculous, *me*?. Got it all wrong - some people have manipulative skills, I'm not anything special in that, but you... are so clueless... I've put it by using numbers, you seem to like it but are bad at math (terrible, even).

1) "New random-troll" puts a hate post, he *demands*, *accuses*, calling devs names etc. 

2) I ask what he thinks he'll get with this manner of speaking - on my (job, real) example, he would never ever said that formulated in the way it was in my face, and over the phone - well, he'd achieve nothing too, there are ways of completely ignoring lowlife and not hurting the company, you'll (maybe) learn it when get older and (if?) get employed

3) Then, of course, you - who I was expecting in the first place - no need for one sane person, especially one with actual life, to have more than one troll for fun

4) There's virtually *nothing* wrong in my post

5) You and troll-padawan both fall in fit of rages, I skip his post entirely by intentional overlooking, except that by accident see that 'he can't accept' yelling - I'm no clerk here or something, I don't provide troll-service, can't talk to me like that (because I won't read it) and I fully don't care (with exception of memorizing his name, for future ignoring)

6) You however, are drawn with mentioning of your name - and you're typical reaction is attack-when-wrong - do you remember me dissecting one of your greater stupidities? Now *that* was embarassing, but you just continue - are you even able to notice you're being squashed in debate? Probably no, since any real person with real arguments tries to defend them, even when they are weak - but you just go blidfolded, each sentence you wrote is universal truth, no matter if anyone prove it being wrong (that one is mistaking, probably), dispute (no matter, it's self-evident) or challenge with other arguments (arguments mean nothing to your reasoning)

So now you'll quote this (why? since you just write own stuff, irrelevant to mine) and "answer" - you're compelled, see? Compeled to answer a post, but not defend any standpoint (if you have one). You're a tool, easy to manipulate and have fun with. Yes, I'm having fun making you do stuff. Such as this previous... So, no, as long as I have fun in making you looking stupid, I will come here. Also, I often have a things to say (unrelated to you), since I've been games before you were born. Those might been over your understanding level, and then you come in and 'spoil it' with repugnance and misunderstanding and that is why I play with you, sometimes.


nothing that you say matters (not that it makes sense anyways, I did not read it but I know because it's you)

it just does not matter, and neiter do you

idk why you are screaming "look at me" all day long, and how it is a huge accomplishment for you if someone really does,

but I know you should get yourself help,


6 years 217 days ago
Ridiculous, *me*?. Got it all wrong - some people have manipulative skills, I'm not anything special in that, but you... are so clueless... I've put it by using numbers, you seem to like it but are bad at math (terrible, even).

1) "New random-troll" puts a hate post, he *demands*, *accuses*, calling devs names etc. 

2) I ask what he thinks he'll get with this manner of speaking - on my (job, real) example, he would never ever said that formulated in the way it was in my face, and over the phone - well, he'd achieve nothing too, there are ways of completely ignoring lowlife and not hurting the company, you'll (maybe) learn it when get older and (if?) get employed

3) Then, of course, you - who I was expecting in the first place - no need for one sane person, especially one with actual life, to have more than one troll for fun

4) There's virtually *nothing* wrong in my post

5) You and troll-padawan both fall in fit of rages, I skip his post entirely by intentional overlooking, except that by accident see that 'he can't accept' yelling - I'm no clerk here or something, I don't provide troll-service, can't talk to me like that (because I won't read it) and I fully don't care (with exception of memorizing his name, for future ignoring)

6) You however, are drawn with mentioning of your name - and you're typical reaction is attack-when-wrong - do you remember me dissecting one of your greater stupidities? Now *that* was embarassing, but you just continue - are you even able to notice you're being squashed in debate? Probably no, since any real person with real arguments tries to defend them, even when they are weak - but you just go blidfolded, each sentence you wrote is universal truth, no matter if anyone prove it being wrong (that one is mistaking, probably), dispute (no matter, it's self-evident) or challenge with other arguments (arguments mean nothing to your reasoning)

So now you'll quote this (why? since you just write own stuff, irrelevant to mine) and "answer" - you're compelled, see? Compeled to answer a post, but not defend any standpoint (if you have one). You're a tool, easy to manipulate and have fun with. Yes, I'm having fun making you do stuff. Such as this previous... So, no, as long as I have fun in making you looking stupid, I will come here. Also, I often have a things to say (unrelated to you), since I've been games before you were born. Those might been over your understanding level, and then you come in and 'spoil it' with repugnance and misunderstanding and that is why I play with you, sometimes.

6 years 218 days ago
You are supposed to pick a weapon that lets you stay mobile and run-and-gun. Pull groups together and AoE them instead of engaging them piecemeal, or run a suppression build and outrun slowed enemies, you know, tactics.
6 years 218 days ago
Posted by Deportivo 6 years 218 days ago

Oh, my favourite quote-bot! I was already worried that something happened in your sedentary lifestyle...

Of course, you are right - as always. Half-of-something is much less to being late than being early! Thank you, once again for all the enlightenment and wisdom and entertainment...

NO! It can't be! Astronomical seasons last typically 91 days! So, 8 days of June and 30 of July, noooooooo! We were actually astronomically some 10% closer to early than late!

Could it be that *you* were wrong? NO! I refuse to live in such a world, without moral compass, wisdom compass, magnet pole compass, and everything you are to me


What, all good names were taken, so you're left with this pityful anagrame? Try 'Azrael12345', that's the name that inspire confidence and dones't look trollish...

In short, I don't care what do you think, even if you do think. You're insignifact to me, all I wanted is to check is whether Tao12345 is live and well... I'm not even reading your post, I only saw the first line...

Why embarrassing yourself all the time?

Your favorite pastime is making yourself look stupid on the internetz?!

Or are you simply masochistic in a way and want people to tell you 24/7 that you are the most useless, most unimportant shit there is?!

Thanks for proving again how retarded and toxic the remains of this dying community have become,
fits very well to this game.

6 years 218 days ago

Oh, my favourite quote-bot! I was already worried that something happened in your sedentary lifestyle...

Of course, you are right - as always. Half-of-something is much less to being late than being early! Thank you, once again for all the enlightenment and wisdom and entertainment...

NO! It can't be! Astronomical seasons last typically 91 days! So, 8 days of June and 30 of July, noooooooo! We were actually astronomically some 10% closer to early than late!

Could it be that *you* were wrong? NO! I refuse to live in such a world, without moral compass, wisdom compass, magnet pole compass, and everything you are to me


What, all good names were taken, so you're left with this pityful anagrame? Try 'Azrael12345', that's the name that inspire confidence and dones't look trollish...

In short, I don't care what do you think, even if you do think. You're insignifact to me, all I wanted is to check is whether Tao12345 is live and well... I'm not even reading your post, I only saw the first line...

6 years 218 days ago

No I don't "have to acknowledge" that this is a very early release.

Its a full game which I/we paid full price for.

I do expect a full and complete game as that's what I paid for.

I don't expect every little problem to be sorted but I expect most of the problems to be fixed before release.

What has the time of year got to do with anything?

If I bought a game that had no problems, was balanced and didn't have GLARING problems such ass enemies being able to fire through walls then I wouldn't have anything to moan about.

" A 7 coloured version of the same monster" no I don't expect a 7 coloured monster but I do wonder as to why there are so few enemie varients.

Warhammer has been going for 30 plus years and ive been a fan for 40K for well over 25 years. I was there for when 40k  first started with Rouge Trader.

So to have a game made in 2018 from a franchise that's been going since the early 80's is a joke. theres 100's of variations of enemies they could have used and that's just in the Chaos roster.

6 years 218 days ago
Posted by Deportivo 6 years 219 days ago
Pop up a Xanax, focus in other things in life...

Formulated as you did, do you actually expect anyone to see you in even slightly different other than little troll with rage-fit?

You f******* have to acknowledge this as an *very* early release - we're at the middle of summer. Bet if you were given a perfectly balanced game with about everything anyone could wish for,  you'd reacted the same way. Do you consider yourself as an ARPG fan? Or did you put a keyword randomly? EXCEPT a finished story - which was clearly announced to develop with the game - what else you lack, at this point? A 7 coloured version of the same monster, acting as a substitute? Have on for me, too...

lol what did you smoke?

This is not a "very early release" but an early beta branded as released game with a very full price tag and also advertised as "open world" and "sandbox" o.O

It seriously lacks on the core part of an ARPG, which is item gathering, as there are very little different and meaningful items,
the whole system behind that is ...cheap, and would need to be redone from scratch.
The missions and the available grind are void of any variety, and the last 3 ..."things" they called events and such were outright "grind 50 missions of the same type", 3 times in a row, seriously?!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

This game, through and through, looks like they took their other game and put a WH40K on it as a quick cash crab.

This comment was edited 6 years 218 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 219 days ago
Pop up a Xanax, focus in other things in life...

Formulated as you did, do you actually expect anyone to see you in even slightly different other than little troll with rage-fit?

You f******* have to acknowledge this as an *very* early release - we're at the middle of summer. Bet if you were given a perfectly balanced game with about everything anyone could wish for,  you'd reacted the same way. Do you consider yourself as an ARPG fan? Or did you put a keyword randomly? EXCEPT a finished story - which was clearly announced to develop with the game - what else you lack, at this point? A 7 coloured version of the same monster, acting as a substitute? Have on for me, too...