Vipers Nest chaos undivided


The campaign chain Chaos Undivided ends up on a mission titled The viper's Nest.  The mission fails to appear on my galactic map at all or the destination planet.

May be worth noting as I completed the prior mission and started teleporting to my ship, the game froze and my character disappeared for like 2 minutes but I could still pan 360 degrees on a darkened map before my load screen kicked back on.

Seemed like it was fine but now I can't do the next mission because it doesn't exist for me.

Acct Vayric character Kryptson

This post was edited 4 years 322 days ago by LiasHorror
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Vipers Nest chaos undivided
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4 years 321 days ago
I forwarded the issue to our devs, they will check on it as soon as possible. It will likely to take a day or two. Your patience is kindly asked until then.