Video stream new content updates and other info by Neocore?


Hi all,

just a thought.

This community is wonderful. Lot's of information, Q&A, active devs, announcements about upcoming patches/content/events and a great compendium, great interaction with fellow gamers, etc...

About announcements though, maybe I'm missing something on the world wide web and social media's but I'm thinking there's not much marketing going on about new content releases, major patches, events etc.. from Neocore itself (besides this website of course).

So, I'm not sure if this is something anyone is wanting, but some games have devs or other people from the company explain overhauls, major patches, new content etc... by means of video streams.
And for the games I follow and watched those streams, it really adds an extra dimension.

Not only do you get to see devs or other people from the company, but I really get a sense of getting drawn deeper into understanding what is going on with the upcoming changes and bonding with the game/company itself. And maybe more important: respect for the people involved working on the game.
Watching a stream where people actually explain why they implemented certain things, show footage about the result, talk a bit about the difficulties involved, etc... creates much more impact than reading text on a webpage.

I mean no offense by this of course, again I find this website and community awesome. Rarely can you find such an active game official website with great content and interaction.
But I feel the devs earn more praise than they receive. When we hit a bug or think we're not being able to do what we want to do in a game because the game behaves otherwise, we get frustrated. And with that frustration we come to this community and rant about how we feel disadvantaged. (I do not mean to offend anyone, my statement applies to myself too...).

Of course, it's not fun when we hit a block or a bug, but the devs are here and actively listening to our concerns and picking up a lot from what we share here.
I just feel, if we could 'see' the story behind the work that's done, put a face to the people etc..., we'd not be addressing a webpage for help, suggestions and comments anymore but it'd feel more like we're actually addressing the people behind all the work and to my experience that changes how we feel (both about the game and the people involved) and how we communicate.

That's how I thought maybe Neocore bonding more with it's players (e.g. by streaming stories, testimonies, content updates etc, podcasts, ...) could be great in many ways.

I don't know how the rest of you feels but if they'd do something like this, I'd definately follow them!


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Video stream new content updates and other info by Neocore?
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3 years 304 days ago

This Community is wonderful. Lots of Information, Q&A, active devs, announcements about upcoming patches/content/events and a great compendium, great interaction with fellow gamers, etc...

When it comes to this first segment here I totally agree... With limitation... Up to a certain point, yes.

I would even agree more with you, if you were here before, under and during the release of Martyr. Today is quite another story. and to be frankly, I miss some of those times back then.