Unholy cathedral bug


as you can see on the picture below, turned out that on pc version of the unholy cathedral, hellbrutes can kick you out of the map. the "problem" is that if/when that happens, the counter keeps going on, players` character is untouchable. ive no idea if that can be used for some exploiting, im going to leave my character there to check it.

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Unholy cathedral bug
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6 years 86 days ago

thank you for reporting the case! We will do our best to reproduce the case and fix it. May I ask your ingame account name? I will compensate you since you haven't got any reward in the end. 

6 years 86 days ago
  • i gave up on 170 ~ minute. Ive  shut down my network connection as if my internet connection suddenly failed. the outcome is : no award recieved so far, even for the 25 min ive been playing "by hand", which means that even without texture bugs and bad dreads kicking you out of range of the mobs, any player who loses internet connection ultimately fails the mission.