Unholy catedral, 24 minutes 0 reward


24 mintutes in unholy cathedral...and my 2500 euro hardware giant fell to its knees... waiting for respond command was issued, in the end I was forced to terminate game via task bar.

25 mins of nothing,  0  items ,  frustration on maximumum.

Please fix it,  also please fix button to sell all purple items (do not include consumables please) i lost my 2 week farm.,  i feel very very disapointed and frustrated how small mistakes can end into terrible irreversible punishments in this game.  Will to play almost expended after those 2 major incidents for me.

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Unholy catedral, 24 minutes 0 reward
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6 years 241 days ago

You're lucky, UC always crashes for me already after 22 minutes. -.-