Unable to play server error PS4


When trying to start the game from the main page I am Getting “something went wrong while connecting to the neocortex servers. Please try again later.

This post was edited 5 years 257 days ago by Mikeman
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Unable to play server error PS4
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5 years 254 days ago
Lol nevermind. Mark for teleportation is left on d-pad.
5 years 254 days ago

Has anyone figured out how to mark a target for teleportation? I'm on the Feral Beasts priority assignment doing the hot pursuit variant and I can't figure out out to tp the tech priest out.

This comment was edited 5 years 254 days ago by Clingus
5 years 255 days ago
I was just able to login.
5 years 255 days ago

Just logged on myself and got in. I hope it’s fixed for good. ^_^

Good hunting Inquisitors!

For the Emperor!

This comment was edited 5 years 255 days ago by Zigehngehst
5 years 255 days ago
Thanks for the update, Boss. I hope it’s fixed soon.
5 years 255 days ago

Good job up and running just wanted to let you Dev know that since I bought the game and never got to play and complained well now I'm saying its working 

5 years 255 days ago

Up and running in Seattle too. Thank you. 

5 years 255 days ago

Russia working good already!

thank you, ordo-developerus!

let's burn some heretics, for the Emperor!

5 years 255 days ago

I’m so agree with you...

Not possible to have a « real »solo game without any connection to theserver?

5 years 255 days ago
Well finally some news get this sorted, some type of compensation  needs to be met and not cosmetic alot of people bought this game and convinced friends to buy as well  during this sale to play as a group.  Just please be more informative on situations like this ...
5 years 255 days ago
Posted by smartallec 5 years 256 days ago

I'm having connection issues too. I love the game but this is really terrible. Solo play should never ever require a server connection because if there's any server issues no one can play and a lot of people will just refund their copies

Same Opinion here,Stupid Online force
5 years 255 days ago
Ah finally some News :) Hope you Guys find a solution to the issus soon. I realy Love this Game and i am looking Forward to play again 
5 years 255 days ago


We are still working on the connection issue along with Sony and our backend provider. To resolve the problem it will take time but we will do our best to restore the connection in the shortest time possible.

Our apologize for the caused inconvenience!

5 years 255 days ago
Anything new? Please give us some Update
5 years 255 days ago
Speaking for myself I’m not salty, I know enough about coding too know I couldn’t do what they do, and I appreciate it, I love these games. But I would appreciate, well I’d appreciate them letting us know they had a little Robles. Before I came on here I reset my licenses that didn’t work so I erased the game and redownloaded it to no avail. They should take all the time they need but am I wrong for a little forwarding? So instead of rebooting my game and my PlayStation they say, here or Facebook  there is a problem,  and then tell me that it will be up running by June ##. I don’t mean to be difficult but damn!! 

This happened at the wrong time for my character...

Love the game let us know please,.

Thank you 

5 years 255 days ago
Quick, considering. I could see if this was going on for 3 days +. They have to find out where the software is screwing up and then figure out how to fix it. That’s a LOT of code to go through. And Neocore doesn’t exactly have a huge team behind them like some other company’s do. I.e. Bethesda, Gearbox, From Software etc, ect. I’m frustrated too but damn. I dunno, maybe I’m just catching the wrong vibe from some of these posts. XD
5 years 255 days ago
Quick? 24 to 48 hours there buddy

5 years 255 days ago
Man, this thread turned into a salt mine real quick.
5 years 255 days ago
So what's the update on the server fix? 
5 years 255 days ago
Already did... sorry to say
5 years 255 days ago

Really?  Roll over though your whole life...see where it takes you

This comment was edited 5 years 255 days ago by Whiskeydust
5 years 255 days ago

Hey Godlike, we appreciate your efforts to fix the problem but would you consider giving us more up dates? Instead of thanking us for our patience you could give us more updates, possible even an eta on when we can expect the servers back up. Look we all love the game but don’t appreciate being kept in the dark. I personally have tried about ever hour to log in, if you don’t expect it up for another 48 hrs I’d appreciate knowing that fact. Sincerely, 


5 years 255 days ago
Seems like it down all over the world because going on 3 days here in Britain the game has been crashing if it even conects at all.
5 years 255 days ago
Is anyone else losing sound when the starts to run it may be a minor issue compared to the server being down that we can't play but it still is frustrating 
5 years 255 days ago
What the hell is this??? Um maybe an update on what's going on Neocore? I'm in Australia on ps4 and got like 30mins on the game and now it just won't connect. You make hundreds and thousands from the community all purchasing this game and it's been out for long enough tto have sorted any potential bugs and we sure as he'll shouldn't getting server crashes. The lack of communication is just unfair, leaving us in the dark like this is very unprofessional.
5 years 255 days ago

You’d think that after close to 48hrs they’d at least make an announcement. I enjoy the game, I really do but, maybe I’m spoiled by other games, I’m used to hearing there is a problem and given an eta on when it should be fixed. Half the time they never make it but at least they’re communicating. Fingers crossed it won’t last till day 3. 

I’ve checked social media and here but can’t find any word from the powers that be...

This comment was edited 5 years 255 days ago by BellicoseBenito
5 years 255 days ago
Any news on what might be going on at this point?
5 years 255 days ago
any update on this?
5 years 256 days ago
Wow...still down huh.
5 years 256 days ago
Getting close to that yo if it ain't up by tomorrow I'm getting my money back this is absurd 
5 years 256 days ago
That’s about how it went for me.
5 years 256 days ago
I was able to get 5 mins of play in yesterday morning  before the server went back down.  
5 years 256 days ago
Knowing how upgrades go.... I bet Sony did something that neo were not aware of or did not fully understand. Neo is hopefully trying to make it work again. Being that I saw database update on PS4 that is not a good sign on back end. I like to read into what they are not saying at this point... Seems like db became corrupt and they are try to recover player data. I guess we can expect them to say in 48 hours shit happened and your players are gone.  But at least it works again
5 years 256 days ago
I'm having the same trouble. No word of when the problems are going to fixed is unacceptable. We as gamers pay to play games that work not be fobbed off with the generic response of we are aware there are problems and we are working to fix them. All Neocore are doing is being patronising and causing more unrest. All we want is deadline of when can expect to be able to play again on there servers. That's really not so much to ask, is it?
5 years 256 days ago
Same here, day 2.
5 years 256 days ago
10 Hours since last update and they can't be bothered to just pop in quick and say anything, even if it's just that they are still working on it.
5 years 256 days ago
Posted by Mikeman 5 years 256 days ago
Still down for me, day 2
Likewise. I was able to get on early this morning, but now I’m back to the server error message. T^T
5 years 256 days ago
Still down for me, day 2
5 years 256 days ago
Having the same problem
5 years 256 days ago
I don't and I dont try to either. I mainly popped in to see if anyone else was having the same issue as I was.  I get it people aren't happy,  but at the same time if you bought a copy of a game and it was faulty? Take the receipt and return it for a copy that works or exchange it for another title. If you bought it digital? Well the best thing I can think of is to uninstall it and wait til the issue is resolved.

I'm not looking for confrontation I'm just speaking from past experiences.

5 years 256 days ago
Like most I my self only got a couple hours in game my self and like others i love the game game play is awsome and to be honist this is the first War Hammer Game i have ever played and plus these are the same people that made the Van Helsing Games so i purchased it cause i love how you could do single player and also show support to the Devs but now im thinking that i should  not have got it because i didnt know it was completely online i would not have even thought about it. But it  needs to have an option for single player or online mode because with the server down like this people could still play it solo and still enjoy the game that you created. And to be honest i have played free to play games that if there server goes down they  get it back up and running with in 3 to 4 hours most of the time and the longest i had to wait was 1 day for them to fix it but this is just crazy almost 3 days down if the rest of your games that are coming out are online only then i will not be supporting you or your company but hopefully you will listion and find a way to make both online and single players happy.
5 years 256 days ago
For those getting restless who haven't even gotten to play yet(so lame), if you like the idea of a Diablo style game set in the 40k universe then I think it's worth holding out a bit before lookin to deal with the hassle of gettting a refund for it. Seems like it's gonna be a pretty robust package. I got into the meat of the game where the training wheels came off and it looks to be good fun.... Urgh... lol.
5 years 256 days ago

Terrible support... Server down since 2 days and no information in germany. Will try to get refund.

5 years 256 days ago
Posted by ewad 5 years 256 days ago
your lucky u got 3hrs in I've been watching the into for over 24hrs went to sleep woke up tried it went to work came back tried it and hear i am now complaining smh.. lmao crap.
It is crap. If I wake up tomorrow and it still isn't workin i'm going to be thinking about a refund. Really don't wanr to do that. It is pretty cool, and I don't even use space marines in 40k, I'm a tyranid guy and a necrons guy who's really wishing those races got more love on console and I was still havin a blast with this game... so it needs to just be fixed, lol.
5 years 256 days ago
Posted by Colynder 5 years 256 days ago
It could be the greatest game of all time, but I wouldn't know because I can't play it. Just bought it and installed it last night I got it to start this morning, but when I came home from work it wouldn't work. It's ridiculous that I have to log on to some crappy server that obviously has a lot of problems just to play single player. I don't understand why, but maybe a class action lawsuit would stop game companies from putting such a ridiculous feature in. 
man I'm in the same boat bough9it yesterday before THE SALE ENDED got the game to get it jammed in my face hahahaha you cant play.. come on.. I'm going to blame Anthem for this cause if it launched with loot I wouldn't be here replying.. 
5 years 256 days ago

Coming on 2 days. Not quite there yet. It was an awesome game when it was working. Really hoping to check it out more bdfore the end of the day. 

This comment was edited 5 years 256 days ago by Clingus
5 years 256 days ago
Posted by Clingus 5 years 256 days ago

I bought this game on the sale as a fan of 40k tabletop, got like 3 good hours out of the game before the server wouldn't log in. Even bought the Imperium edition with all the extra... now coming onto two days with a downed server and a game I just paid 35$ for that I can play no portion of.  This is pretty irritating. I don't want to have to ask Sony for a refund cause I see this being a game I'm really going to enjoy but come on... The game was released on PS4 a year ago, why would such horrid server problems be happening so late in? This doesn't bode well...

your lucky u got 3hrs in I've been watching the into for over 24hrs went to sleep woke up tried it went to work came back tried it and hear i am now complaining smh.. lmao crap.
5 years 256 days ago
all my other games are fine after update and I have other games like this one so.... idk still from what I read it's been down 2 days . its very irritating purchasing a game so u can play and have to watch the same intro screen for over 2days. 
5 years 256 days ago
2 days in a row???
5 years 256 days ago

I bought this game on the sale as a fan of 40k tabletop, got like 3 good hours out of the game before the server wouldn't log in. Even bought the Imperium edition with all the extra... now coming onto two days with a downed server and a game I just paid 35$ for that I can play no portion of.  This is pretty irritating. I don't want to have to ask Sony for a refund cause I see this being a game I'm really going to enjoy but come on... The game was released on PS4 a year ago, why would such horrid server problems be happening so late in? This doesn't bode well...

This comment was edited 5 years 256 days ago by Clingus