Unable to access Starmap, Storage, messages, etc


I am unable to access any of the terminals on my ship, such as the starmap, storage, and messages, the mouse cursor is showing a red circle with a slash through it and I cannot click on these terminals.

I can talk to memebers of the crew such as the captain to buy/sell stuff, and the adeptus mechanicus for crafting, but none of the other stations as mentioned above

It started happening one day after having played a multiplayer session with some friends, and since then it's been bugged this way.

It's for all my characters, inducing new characters I make, so it's not limited to a single character.

I have tried every troubleshooting solution I can find, but none of them fixes the underlying issue, meaning I have to rely on more convoluted workarounds to be able to play the game, which which makes the game less enjoyable for me.

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Unable to access Starmap, Storage, messages, etc
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98 days ago
Are you able to access these stations by pressing 'F'? Could you check your key bindings whether or not those settings got changed somehow?  

Also, please let me know what your in-game account name is, if the above doesn't lend any result. Cheers!