Tips / Strategy / Guide for Melee! (Vid)


Hey guys, happy Sunday!

Here's a few ideas an thought on what players can do regarding modifying their playstyle to make melee a little less painful. Obviously you are going to be at a disadvantage, but it's viable and more importantly it's fun! Hope it helps :)

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Tips / Strategy / Guide for Melee! (Vid)
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7 years 137 days ago

Great advice Hydra. I've only just tried melee, and while I definitely prefer ranged combat, it is still a lot of fun and a nice way to change things up a little. Keep up the good work !

7 years 138 days ago

Nice tips. The closest I will get to melee is flamer, but those tips still work for that. They are also great tips for ranged heroes as well.

7 years 138 days ago

oh and ignore the double L please, i'm sleepy! :D