The Weekly Glory Reward


I already asked this at the Steam Community Hub, but i didn't got an (useful) Answer:

What is the Glory doing, which is given as a Reward at the "Weekly Glory Event"?

For my 500 Points of Glory I got 150 Fate - and 150 Glory. But what is this Glory good for? I didn't found any System where the Glory was added, and the current Weekly Event didn't start with a Bonus of 150 Point. So what is this Glory doing?

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The Weekly Glory Reward
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6 years 255 days ago
At the Progress Bar you can see, how much Fate - and Glory - you will earn at each stage. If you reach 800 Glory within the week, you will earn 150 Fate - and an "Excellent Glory Reward".  When I got my Rewards on Monday, I earned "150 Glory". And that's what iI wanted to know: What are that "150 Glory" used for.
6 years 255 days ago
Basically its just a weekly leaderboard that resets on monday.

It gives you Fate and a Lootbox depending on how much Glory you accumulated last week.

On your HUB 2nd button from the left, there you can see your weekly progress and can see the leaderboards.

Other than this it gives nothing else.

The Emperor protects!