The Plot thickens glitch


Hey devs! I just wanted to say, that i really enjoy Martyr and i’m looking forward playing Prophecy. It scratches my Diablo itch a lot.

I have a question regarding a glitch i encountered. I’m playing in xbox one x and cannot unlock ‘the plot thickens’ with my main achievement account. I think the first time i booted up the game a made a pause inbetween the first five campaign missions and started a new character on the side. The achievement never popped. Since then i tried it with four different characters and classes with different kind of approaches. Like without skipping text or never going into the inventory. But no dice. Can you please check this for me when you have the time? I would totally appreciate it because i want to 100% the whole game with all achievements.

Nick: funkyTii 


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The Plot thickens glitch
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4 years 215 days ago

just a heads up for people with the same problem. Unlinking the account and linking it with a new email address solved this achievement issue. Did not even need to deinstall or delete the saves. Very cool.

4 years 246 days ago
Please let us know how this worked out.
4 years 247 days ago
Thank you so much, but i tried it and it didn’t unlock. As you initially said, it seems like a problem with Microsoft. After i’m done with all the other content of Prophecy i will unlink my account, delete and setup everything fresh from start. Maybe i can make it pop with complete reset.

Thanks again!

4 years 247 days ago
We transferred a character please complete the 5th Tutorial mission and see if the achievement unlocks.
4 years 248 days ago
Okay, i would like to try this Test Character. How would this work?

Another question would be, do you think unlinking the profile would work? Or would i lose my complete progress?


Nick: funkyTii

System: Xbox One X

4 years 250 days ago
That would be worth a try. I absolutely want to do this. Can you see on your end that the achievement is still locked? It is a weird glitch.


4 years 250 days ago
Unfortunately we cannot unlock this achievement on our end as it is bound to Microsoft's system.

What we can try - which cannot guarantee that will work - that we provide you a test character with which you can once again try to unlock the achievement. Should we proceed with this option?