The Next Gen console version is a tragedy.


It's grossly unacceptable that this game is running at a sub par 30 fps on console as the next gen version of the game.  I played the PS4 version for over 300 hours in backwards compatibility mode with 60 fps performance option and it was a great experience.  But now?  I'm not even hitting a consistent 30 fps.  I'm averaging 28 fps in light encounters and dipped as low as 23-24 during medium action scenes.  Guys...I know Nacon is responsible for pricing and launch but, this release should've been under better scrutiny from the development team.  Neocore just let this happen and, I hope in the future they will consider releasing an update to give us a performance option.  Until then, I'll just keep playing my other versions and live with the fact I got bamboozled out of $25.  Until this is addressed, I probably won't be bothering with any new DLC in the future.  

This post was edited 2 years 134 days ago by Fartlord5000
Store Page
The Next Gen console version is a tragedy.
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2 years 113 days ago
Yeah its not just the framrate but i guess no one care about the lied graphic improvement in the trailer. This dev are gonna get away with this false advertising again(since ps4 version) but i will remember.
2 years 113 days ago
Awesome ... looking forward too it!
2 years 113 days ago

The new patch aiming to fix the performance problem is almost ready for delivering. After the certification process (usual Sony and Microsoft processes) we will release both the fixes and activate Season 4.

2 years 114 days ago
Has anyone heard anything yet from any of the mods regarding the screen tearing or performance issues? It’s been nearly 2 weeks and radio silence.
2 years 127 days ago
I cannot yet give an ETA about the upcoming fixes so you have to decide it yourself if it's better to return the game and give it a try a little later again.
2 years 128 days ago
@MARCOPOLOCS‍ Thanks for the reply ... do we have any idea as to when we can expect a fix as I believe there is a time limit on getting refunds from Sony.
2 years 128 days ago

It s impossible to believe that you ve not seen this issues before the release  ,i want to know what is the procedure to be refund ?i prefer playing the ps4 version with an unlocked framerate than the ps5 version that run at 30 fps ,why like 99.9 % of games on ps5 have you not let the choice with a performance and quality mode?why  are there so many bugs ?and the tearing i think on ps5 i ve not seen as much in a game ,when i see some indies that makes free updates or upgrades and that are really good and compare it to that ,it s incompréhensible ?if you have not the money or the time or enough developpers do not make it ,i m so disgusted to have paid 30 € for nothing 

This comment was edited 2 years 128 days ago by tomiwan
2 years 128 days ago

Thank you for every feedback you all shared with us.We learned about the existing screen-tearing problems and FPS drops on PS5 and the team is in the middle of conducting internal tests to find the issues. I will keep you updated under the relevant posts if any news can be shared regarding this matter!

2 years 129 days ago
Hi Marcopolocs,

That’s a little insulting to ask if we’re playing the PS4 or PS5 native version … we all wouldn’t be complaining here if we’d download the PS4 version because 

A. The framerate would be 60fps

B. We wouldn’t have just wasted $30

The PS5 shows quite clearly on the landing page what version of a game is installed, perhaps you should have a look at yours and maybe you’ll experience some of the problems we’re all rather annoyed about.

Sorry to be short, but that was a really insulting question to ask. 

2 years 129 days ago
I must admit, I was REALLY looking forward to this and bought it straight away when I saw it on the store and now I want my money back. This version is garbage compared to the PS4 version. The camera frame rate is shite and the frame rate NOT a locked 60fps … come on. 4K I don’t need but I expect 60fps on PS5 … if this isn’t patched ASAP the devs should be taking this off the store before they end up another BF2042 or CyberPunk.

I’m giving them a couple of days to respond or I’m getting my money back, this is embarrassing.

2 years 132 days ago
On the PS5 there is too much screen tearing or something strange going on...the camera feels off and its not smooth...definitely not 60fps. I just tried the old PS4 version and it feels smoother or it might seem like it since its a lower resolution. But this is very distracting and I dont feel like I can play it very long like this without getting a headache.
2 years 133 days ago
It runs perfect on Series S 
2 years 133 days ago

I play on Serie X

It feels like the game will have only 50-55 fps

With explosions and some strong effects on the screen, the FPS sags a lot and this is very striking

You also have a bug with visual bugs. when a psyker puts on himself the reinforcements that are visually visible on him and starts moving, then all these effects start to twitch, usually they have only 10fps

There are also bugs left when the dangling parts of the armor twitch and stretch to the floor of the screen, especially after the cutscenes.

Visually, I did not see a special increase in the graph, it feels like the same performance mode, but in 4k and 60k. At the same time, all the graphics bugs remained in place, and I played the last time back in early 2020

2 years 133 days ago
Can confirm and agree with OP. I have both editions installed and the original ps4 Martyr runs a smooth 60fps on ps5, whereas the next gen edition runs 30 or lower. I also haven't noticed ANY upgrades in terms of graphically. The PS5 version of anything looks worse then the PS4 version of the game. 

I'm happy to answer any questions, I'm just hoping the devs see people's posts and send out a fix. For someone who had all the dlc already, paying 25$ for a downgrade does feel a little bad.....  But hey least the PS5 controller features are nice.

2 years 133 days ago
You can just go look at the next gen trailer and then play on ps5 its a different game. Nothing new just better resolution even my old pc can run this game at max setting. Its poor optimisation and cash grab. I believe the spec on ps5 can run this game at max graphical setting on dynamic resolution with 60 fps easily.
2 years 133 days ago
As a sidebar, I was lucky enough to have my purchase refunded by Sony a few minutes ago.  I'll be keeping an eye on any development updates to see if the performance is ever brought up to par for the PS5 version.  Until then, I'll just keep playing the other versions.

sucks but, it had to happen

2 years 133 days ago
At first I just couldn't login it would just kick me out but after I logged in I would just be running around and then I would get a message that I was kicked from the server so I kept trying to play and again I was just running around not even in a fight but one time I was interacting with door controls and it kicked me.
2 years 133 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 2 years 134 days ago
Those who shared their feedback with us:

Do you all play with PS5 version of Inquisitor - Martyr or some of you are playing the XSX|S version? Any further detail can help us scope down the problems to just one platform.

Thanks for any input in advance.

I am on the X/S version of the game. The only really annoying thing that keeps happening to me is I run the flame aura psalm doctrine on my armor and whenever I buzz the breakable items for credit drops the screen flashes a part of the breakable item near the top of the screen right before it breaks usually on the side that the item is on if that makes sense.  If there are a lot of items that break it can get pretty busy. I did notice that the game does run a bit smoother now that I have uninstalled the older version of the game.  Not sure why that makes a difference, but it did.
2 years 133 days ago

Here is a detailed summary of my experience for use with both next gen consoles:

- Series X version launched and ran at 42-50 FPS.  I tested thru the first 2 campaign levels.  Any explosions in the action sequences of the game caused the frame rates to drop to the mid to low 40's immediately and consistently.  I closed the game.  I later returned to the game on Series X the following evening (last night) and after rebooting my system, the game seems to be running at a near consistent 60 FPS now.  So, it must have been an install issue.

- PS5 version:  purchased the upgrade without issue.  Installed the game until it was completely downloaded (avoided using the pre-install "ready to play" feature).  The game launched into a cutscene that only played at around 15-20 FPS.  Once I got into the game, the frame rate was a consistent 28 FPS.  It stays at roughly 28-30 FPS throughout the duration of gameplay but, also has excessive screen tearing.   I have re-downloaded, closed and restarted four times since launch, and up to approximately 15 minutes ago from the time of this post and have noticed no significant changes or improvements since first launching.  No other games I've played in the interim have any performance issues.

I have not had a single connection issue with either of the two console platforms.  I want to mention again, that the PS4 version running on the PS5 has better performance than this new native PS5 version.  It should not be like this.  If we had the option for better performance before, there should be no reason we're being sold a downgrade.  My only conclusion to the different experience I had between both platform is perhaps maybe the PS5 version is bugged or released as an outdated build or something?  Is that even possible?

This comment was edited 2 years 133 days ago by Fartlord5000
2 years 134 days ago
Those who shared their feedback with us:

Do you all play with PS5 version of Inquisitor - Martyr or some of you are playing the XSX|S version? Any further detail can help us scope down the problems to just one platform.

Thanks for any input in advance.

2 years 134 days ago
May I ask if there is anything particular happening or you do something specific prior to the kicking? We would like to investigate these issues.

Is there any error message you get when you get kicked out?

2 years 134 days ago
I got 6 friends that are at work right now and I told them not to buy it that it's garbage.
2 years 134 days ago
I agree 100% I just got it and it's worse than ps4 on top of that the servers are kicking me repeatedly so I can't even play  so it's a waste of money.
2 years 134 days ago

fps is terrible, I regret that I spent the money, it became unbearable to play, and I will add that DLC and cosmetics are also blocked

2 years 134 days ago
Yeah, can't really tell a huge difference with the visual quality.  I do notice wierd graphical glitches with breakable objects and the frame rate does seem a bit worse.  If I already had the DLC I would definitely feel ripped off.
2 years 134 days ago
Same for me. It's surprisingly poor in performance, doesn't run smoothly at all. For the amount it cost for the upgrade, I'd expect it to be perfect, I do wonder how much testing was done on this prior to release. Not what I'd expected, and for the price I'm quite disappointed