Thanks for nothing



last Week, i won the challenge in the Leaderboard for the Weekly Glory.

I played a lot of Hours, nearly 70h only in this Week, to reach first place.

Ok, i wanted to Level up my Char from 70 to 100 so i thought i gonna try this Challenge. Finally i reached 98. Finally?

YES, FINALLY!! Because in the moment, when i claimed my reward i got finished with this Game.

One purple Loot Box? 6 Items, no Relic, no Holy. Really?

Thank you for this great example, how TO WASTE TIME!

Thats not the only thing. Most f***ing point is the gameplay with my Crusader.

Why cant i choose myself which enemy i´m gonna attacking? I run through an Enemy, he´s highlighted red, i push the button, and ...

YEEEES my char attacks an Barrel !!!! F***** F** T*** *** * ** *** *

Why did you make the Multiplayer such a worse thing? Why there are no Lobbys? Why cant i play more than one round with the same player? Why we should use Cabale then?

Why cant i see the changes of my stats, when i equip something? There are so many diffrent effects in armor or weapons, but i cant see the changes anywhere. During the fight, i had to press the option button to see some changes and a list of effects. Really? 

Why isn´t it possible to config the button layout?


Best regards

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Thanks for nothing
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4 years 307 days ago
This guy speaks the truth.

The game needs:

1) far better rewards

2) better items

3) lobbies

4) better match-making

5) coop void

6) bosses

7) general chat

8) difficulty drop-down

9) real end-game

10) more creativity/variety (too much of the same is copied & pasted)

11) endless

4 years 308 days ago
Posted by BYCROM 4 years 331 days ago

I have to admit the weekly rewars are underwhleming, but so are for instance weekly buffs as well. Also what fancy stuff could they even offer you since most of ancient relics are not temping at all. I am sitting on like 1k of the redish crafting material now, speaking on how many ancients I have salvaged. Only a handful seemed temping, holy/unholy are better designed. I hate to say that while the basics of the game like graphics, atmosphere are high potential, endgame loot quality fails to deliver. Which is a shame since the game has such a high potential and proper itemization should be much easier and technically less taxing than other stuff to fix.... Way back when I  played Van Helsing I had the same impression, that loot was not there. So Neocore pls get someone on board that knows how to design end game loot properly! 

As for your stat issuse. Just switch weapons and your stat sheet will properly update.


the problem with the stats would not effected by changeing the weapons!

I try to explain (my language is NOT english):

There are Stats for Defense, Attack, Survial. Like HP gained on Hit for example or Melee Damage Bonus

But i had tons of Items with Stats that i could not see in this list. Just for Example like HP gained for Kill or 20% DOT Damage.

When i work on my Build and adjust values with so much Codes and Shards i had to see these in one screen.

The Loot of the Game is, sorry but... Shit

I am actual Level 98, but i still play with an Neural Implant Level 70, Inoculator Level 84 and the very bestArchotech Eye Implant with Level 60.


Jeah, i found nothing better during more than 25 Levels of GRINDING.

Even those very few parts that i found i tried to modify at the forge wont work. I NEVER got the right stats.

I finished the Crusade with Loot Bonus 500%, Rarity +100% and quality +50% with 5 Keys and Infos.

The Drop Chance for a Holy Item then should be 100%, nothing less.

Everything else is boring.

4 years 330 days ago
I can also agree the current rewards do not feel rewarding. This has been brought up in our team already recently and we started to rethink the Glory reward system. We will not gonna implement the changes with the shortly arriving patch but will likely be in the next-in-line patch! 
4 years 331 days ago

I have to admit the weekly rewars are underwhleming, but so are for instance weekly buffs as well. Also what fancy stuff could they even offer you since most of ancient relics are not temping at all. I am sitting on like 1k of the redish crafting material now, speaking on how many ancients I have salvaged. Only a handful seemed temping, holy/unholy are better designed. I hate to say that while the basics of the game like graphics, atmosphere are high potential, endgame loot quality fails to deliver. Which is a shame since the game has such a high potential and proper itemization should be much easier and technically less taxing than other stuff to fix.... Way back when I  played Van Helsing I had the same impression, that loot was not there. So Neocore pls get someone on board that knows how to design end game loot properly! 

As for your stat issuse. Just switch weapons and your stat sheet will properly update.

This comment was edited 4 years 331 days ago by BYCROM