Tech adept issue


Keeps dashboarding every players game during the loading screen, only does this with the tech adept

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Tech adept issue
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5 years 6 days ago
If you remove your constructs weapons and modules you should be able to play multiplayer again, just having 1 item on them will have your game plus friends crash
5 years 6 days ago
It is only Co-op ive had this issue my self. If any member of the co-op is running a tech adept you have a good chance everyone dashboards on the loading screen.
5 years 6 days ago
Mine is doing this when I try to play co-op with the techadept. I was able to play with my friends just fine on Thursday but have not been able to play with anyone else even my friends since Friday. I only use the tech so not sure if it will happen with a different character 
5 years 6 days ago
Are you experiencing this in coop or in solo?