Stuck in Starmap (chapter 4)


Hello Support-Team,

after creating a News Charakter im stuck with my Main-Char (Level 50 Assasin) at Chapter 4, in Mission „Uthers Tomp“. My next step is too speak with the Captain, Butt i cant leave the starmap to get on the bridge. 

I hoped a Coop Game can fix ist, but i cant join the invitation. Error Message Tell me, that i need to finish the first 5 Missions

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Stuck in Starmap (chapter 4)
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1 year 315 days ago

Hello Marcopolocs,

Platform: PS5

PSN-ID: Kedo_Nightshadow

Char-Name: Keera (Lvl 50 Assasin)

I  created some other Chars (to look für a workarround), but all Crusaders (i skiped.Thea Tutorial-Missions) are also  stucked after one mission.

A new (second) Assasin runs well, currently Lvl 14.

Thanks in advance and may the light of the emperor guide us.

1 year 314 days ago
Hello Marcopolocs,

i played 2 missions with Karl, looks good.

Thanks und have a nice day.

1 year 315 days ago
Could you please tell me the platform, your in-game account name and your character's name as well? We need to first identify your account to fix the problem afterward.

Thanks for any response in advance!

1 year 314 days ago

Registered the issue, our dev team will look into your account.

I found an issue on Karl and fixed him. Please check on this character of yours and let me know if he is still stuck.

This comment was edited 1 year 314 days ago by Marcopolocs