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- Some Pysker powers not benefiting from % bonuses
Some Powers don't benefit from % bonuses that they should. I tested this by finding gear with only the bonus I needed to test and swaping it out and looking at the dmg change on the toolbar.
Bio-Lightning doesn't benefit from AOE
Fiery Form benefits from nothing
Inferno does no damage in the first place but seems to benefit from nothing as well
Inferno hits for 70-100 maybe 4 times a second while I have other abilities that have ~4k dmg pre buffs in the toolbar
Shockwave Benefits from Nothing
Constrict doesn't benefit from Armor breaking %
Running AP mastery doesn't benefit from Armor Piercing %
Side note if self is supposed to not be melee or range Maelstorm benefits from range while being "self"
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Some Pysker powers not benefiting from % bonuses
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5 years 238 days ago
+12% damage to area of effect skills, +15% damage to armor piercing skills, +12% warp damage..etc the damage on the tooltip doesn't chance when you equip gear with these abilities.
5 years 238 days ago
What bonus are you referring to?
Set this current order state as My default.