Some challenges doesn't work PS4


I get a challenge where i have to kill 10 elites but no matter how many i kill, the challenge stay at zero and the worst part is i can't swap the challenge. This seem similar to the ancient relics bug.

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Some challenges doesn't work PS4
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5 years 111 days ago

Would you please tell me which Challenge state something different than its original requirement?

There is no such challenge: there is one where you have to kill 200 enemies (regardless of their type) within 120 seconds. This may also be a translation error. Can you confirm it?
Update: we could confirm it on our end and will correct it!

This comment was edited 5 years 111 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 111 days ago

The translation (french) is indeed part of my issues with challenges for example one of the challenge state  the exact opposite of what you must really do...

I also get a challenge who ask me to kill 200 champions enemies in less than 60seconds at my level or more,this is really a challenge??? i am level 73 and i have never seen a level with such high densities of champions.

5 years 111 days ago
Despite the workaround we will check whether the bar chart is properly increasing after each kill. 
5 years 114 days ago

I also wondered on this topic, I thought that it was a failure, an incorrect translation, maybe we are not doing what is required of us. But, for a long time trying various ways to complete these tasks, I found a way. Daily orders from astropath with difficulty +8, +10 work 100%, all accumulated challenges were completed in one long order. Kill 5 enemies of villains, kill 10 enemies of champions, etc.