Skill cool down broken


Hello Neocore Team and fellow Inquisitors

A few days ago, I re-started with my LV60 crusader to reach Max. After a few sessions the gameplay became horribly slow and I first thought its the internet (which is indeed a real problem sometimes!). After a while I realized that my cool down times of all my skills were equal at approx. 1,3 sec. Even my one-handed melee - CD normally 0,3sec - needed 1,3 sec. 

With this problem my melee crusader is unplayable. I wrote a bug report and switched to my main Char - Assassine.

After a few days the same problem arised with my Assassine. Again, all cool down times were "set" to 1,3sec, and again I wrote a bug report and could not play my Char any further.

Now I am playing my Psyker and I am afraid every day, that this plaque is coming to my next char. (I am also worrying of relogging to my "bugged" Chars....)

So my Question, has someone similar problems? Could you solve it (didnt find stuff in the forum, but search function is not great)? Did someone read my bug report and is there a chance of a fix in a closer timeframe?

Thanks for listening


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Skill cool down broken
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5 years 137 days ago
Okay, I did as requested (even a few files were damaged, so I hoped) but problem still occours. 

I will write to the support then.


5 years 138 days ago

Here is a step-by-step guide how to verify the game's integrity in Steam:

  • Exit the game.
  • Right click on the game in your Steam Library.
  • Select "Properties" in the dropdown.
  • In the window that pops up, select the "Local Files" tab.
  • Click the button on this tab labeled "Verify Integrity of Game Cache".
  • Allow the program to run, it may take up to five or ten minutes.
  • Once it is completed, close down your Steam Browser
  •  Exit Steam completely from the toolbar.
  • Restart Steam and see if the reported CD is still bad.
5 years 139 days ago
Hello Team

What means "verify game integrity"? Reinstall from STEAM client?

I did an official bug report, but this is then not forwarded to the support team?

Thnx for the reply anyway!

5 years 139 days ago
Could you please first try to verify game integrity and see if the issue is still present? There is little chance this will work as there hasn't been any patches released on PC recently but it may work. In case afterward it is still the same, could you contact us at [email protected]? A short footage about the problem would also be useful. 

Thanks in advance!