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- Several Bugs on PS4
Several Bugs on PS4
Warhammer 40K Bug Report
1 year 249 days ago
replied 1 year 249 days ago
So I just got the Sisters DLC and I made a seasonal character. I am stuck repeating Forbidden Cult and cannot progress.
Also, my minimap will not properly expand anymore and is now just the small map in the bottom corner. I need that larger minimap to complete a lot of different kinds of missions, especially the "Kill all enemies" missions.
That's not all. I am also unable to swap weapons unless I am in the menu.
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Several Bugs on PS4
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1 year 249 days ago
Finally got to my ship and am having trouble selling things and my stasis locker is not seasonal.
1 year 249 days ago
I just got past it. Took 3-4 replays to get moving, but it seems you need to just do it until it counts it. So you can move forward in the campaign, you just need to repeat missions to get a success. It is pretty lame, yes.
1 year 249 days ago
I’m on PS5 and can’t continue the campaign past Forbidden Cult either. Also playing the new Sororitas class that I’ve already waited months for bc I’m a lowly console gamer. Pretty frustrating.
1 year 249 days ago
I am having some of your same issues. The no story skip for seasonal and the ability to spec into trees I have not technically unlocked yet.
1 year 249 days ago
I have a lot more bugs. No story skip available seasonal stash and old stash/currency got mixed up I have to do missions 2 or 3 times to finish. I can skill stuff I haven't u locked, then not anymore and so on
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