Server Status


Is there a location to verify server up/down status. Unable to log in since the Skull patch and would like to see a server status if its down, why and for how long.

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Server Status
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4 years 325 days ago

There have been changes taking place this week which considerable removed the occurrence of server issues but login issues are still happening. These happen across all platform not just on PS4.
A character disappearance issue also got fixed with yesterday's patch which will come to console too ASAP!

We will be keep working on the issue! Thanks for your patience in the last few days!

4 years 327 days ago
I can't connect in the last hour....
4 years 327 days ago
Hi, I'm interest too.

Since yesterday impossible to connect in PS4 system.

Previous 5 days, no trouble. Now, no connection whatever the time of the day.

I have a poor internet speed (1,2Mb/s),the internet optical fiber is not already arrive to my house.

But i'm okay to say the game is better without permanent online connexion ;)

Thanks and good luck. 

4 years 329 days ago

We started to work together with our backend provider to fix the recent problems. This will likely to take for a while.

I will keep you updated under this thread!

4 years 332 days ago

what your platform? i play right now on PS4 normally

4 years 332 days ago

Eh... weekend is coming, Neocore servers are down.. Nice work. :(

4 years 334 days ago

Ok sometimes ar loggedin but Ragna von Wynter not

4 years 334 days ago

No connection die the Neocore-Server today

6 years 266 days ago

6 years 266 days ago
Posted by uberviking 6 years 266 days ago
Now is the time for someone from neocore to tell us more about the benefits of 'always online' games. I mean, when we are not able to play the single player campaign due to server issues, and that in a weekend day.

Please neocore, why dont you tell us more about that wonderful system, and how offline game playing is bad for us.

TLDR: Online only is just an anti-piracy DRM mechanism.

I didn't buy this game, but I've purchased all of the Van Helsing titles and their DLC, as well as Deathtrap (Plus I've bought copies of Final Cut for other people). 

I don't like the idea of online only. It's only there for them to try and prevent people from pirating the game. I guess they don't realize that I pirated all of their titles before I purchased them. If a game is good enough for someone to want to own it, that will speak for itself. You can't force someone into making an all or nothing decision. Oh well. I guess I won't be buying this title. I'm not a Warhammer nerd though, and I don't like some of the puke color palette choices they've made, so I wasn't all too interested to begin with.

Still, the point remains that the online only DRM does not help a game. I'm sick of the gaming industry believing the lies that pirated games are never subsequently purchased. Almost all of the 400 games I own have been pirated prior to ownership.

6 years 266 days ago
Now is the time for someone from neocore to tell us more about the benefits of 'always online' games. I mean, when we are not able to play the single player campaign due to server issues, and that in a weekend day.

Please neocore, why dont you tell us more about that wonderful system, and how offline game playing is bad for us.

6 years 266 days ago
Also, check the Steam Discussions.  It's a bit more active.  
6 years 267 days ago
Mine says The Server is under maintenance.  Then Cannot Connect to Server after the time out.  Just updated as well.   Haven't played this patch.