re-rolling sucks


Guys, come on...

I'm trying to optimize some of my items, and seemingly no matter how many times I re-roll, I get the SAME enchants. Not only this, but I'm getting the same values as well. Who is programming this stuff?????????????????

What is this craziness? Do you guys do this on purpose to make people keep trying like gambling addicts?

This post was edited 5 years 131 days ago by treecargarage
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re-rolling sucks
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5 years 126 days ago
Posted by Terrorball 5 years 126 days ago

Sorry tree, tired.

Sometimes when say your rolling away your prime enchant will turn into a dull on you. If you would like to change it back. Soon as you log in go to that item and roll the secondary a couple time. It's still rare, but sometimes you can change it back.  Without having to re-roll the whole item. Only for red and morality. If it works on normals, it never has for me.

So you're saying that sometimes, re-rolling (all?, since you can't re-roll primary enchant on reds/morality) causes your primary enchant to turn into a secondary enchant? If so, I've never had this happen.

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding...

Also, I agree with you on the double red. I guess he really values survivability. Personally, I recently switched to a double yellow/double green I found.

This comment was edited 5 years 126 days ago by treecargarage
5 years 126 days ago

Sorry tree, tired.

Sometimes when say your rolling away your prime enchant will turn into a dull on you. If you would like to change it back. Soon as you log in go to that item and roll the secondary a couple time. It's still rare, but sometimes you can change it back.  Without having to re-roll the whole item. Only for red and morality. If it works on normals, it never has for me.

5 years 126 days ago

Ha, yes I know him.  Made his sword gave him a couple of 6 stats, that old warzone item.  And Power leveled his assassin. 

Glad he is making use of them, and finaly got the resists up. They grow up so fast.  I won't bust his chops about talking in absolutes. Temping tho.

No, he is talking generic item creaation. I say shiney, he says primary, dull is secondardy. Man, I sound like a kid.

Seems like he is claiming to know how to change one dulls up shiny. Has not mentioned it to me. And, clearly not worded very well. 

I feel like I'm missing someone, buy that innco blows, right? Two red, whats the point. Thats so much damage loss over not yellows. Doesn't matter for race I guess.

5 years 126 days ago

Terrorball, can you explain this part in more detail?

"Sometimes you can change dulls to shine on red and morality. Best success time for me, soon as I log on. How to turn shiny into dull is unknown to me. Dud handle all cd, so getting boned by all shinny is common."

I read another post on Reddit in which the #1 glory leaderboard guy mentions what I think you're talking about.

Here is the link:

Here is what he says:

"how to roll an item like this: reroll all mods til u hit 4 primary + 1 secondary. reroll your primaries as you like em, then reroll the secondary. one or two rolls in it will change into a primary. daemons! just mess around with it til u get the double rolls."

Is ^^^ what you're talking about?

This comment was edited 5 years 126 days ago by treecargarage
5 years 126 days ago

Yes, each item has a grouping of enchants available for the shiny dots and the dull. Unsure of max size, but as low as 2.  In my exp, there is a slim chance that with enough rolls a new enchant will appear not with the originals. But does not join the group, should you keep rolling.

Depending on the item, some will always be available, commons. Red's can rare roll 1 enchant that the item normally can't get, if your lucky. Like DR on support item etc. 

If you would like to ditch your enchants and try for another group, say you can't find -overheat for your grav-gun. You can try to use the re-roll all and pray. Yes, if 6 chant, most likely gone and will have to start over. Also fun is not getting a dud, as -overheat in this example requires it.

Sometimes you can change dulls to shine on red and morality. Best success time for me, soon as I log on. How to turn shiny into dull is unknown to me. Dud handle all cd, so getting boned by all shinny is common.

This is Martyar, the game will take your money and mats now and then. Sometimes display bug, like showing old enchants, relog asasp to fix (same for no loot co-op bug), sometimes just gone.  And many others. They come and go. Like some seasonal migration..

This is just my personal exp, I apologize if anything is wrong. You may have noticed a bizzare lack of information. Complete self taught here. 

Best not to speak of the programmer, should you attract his attention. I feel tho, it's a mistake to think these are dumb people making moronic mistakes. That's a trap. They are pretty smart. And the game is exactly the way they want it to be. As to the why, just roll with it, not worth getting mad .Try to have fun with it.

This crazy? Well, the mystery of the Martyr is just an analogy of the mystery that is Neocor. You will never know there motivations, not without succumbing to madness yourself. Gambling, ha. nothing so rational. 

5 years 128 days ago
Posted by Dr BAMF PhD MMT 5 years 128 days ago
Ive also noticed this. Its in effect on every item pretty much. When you re roll an enchant on an item, youare basically garunteed to get a very similar type. For example, i get alot of buning and poison enchants i dont need, and on weapons, implants etc rerolling just changes it from say extra damage to burning, to xtra dmg to shock, poison, stun etc. It doesnt seem to EVER change the core nature of the enchant, just what it applies to. I rerolled an signum's extra damage to poison about 25 times trying to get it to be crit chance or just ANYTHING other than xtra dmg to (status effect). I also rerolled the same kind of thing (changes to burning poison freeze or other debuffs) on implants and other stuff and it did the same thing. Changed the effected status effect, but nothing else except the number. The nature of it (chance to inflict, extra dmg, etc) remained the same EVERY TIME.This was so beyond the statistical problems of RNG that i just assumed it was an intended part of the game that certain enchant positions could only be certain things, or that the modify tab could only change that one part of it
Thank you...I'm feeling less frustration with every post similar to yours.

It's deeply satisfying knowing that I'm not the only one going through this craziness.

5 years 128 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 129 days ago

@TREECARGARAGE‍ we will see whether the pools from which the enchants roll onto the neural implants provide enough variety.

How to find out how many and what properties can be on a particular subject. Maybe I'm looking for something that is not there.

5 years 128 days ago
Ive also noticed this. Its in effect on every item pretty much. When you re roll an enchant on an item, youare basically garunteed to get a very similar type. For example, i get alot of buning and poison enchants i dont need, and on weapons, implants etc rerolling just changes it from say extra damage to burning, to xtra dmg to shock, poison, stun etc. It doesnt seem to EVER change the core nature of the enchant, just what it applies to. I rerolled an signum's extra damage to poison about 25 times trying to get it to be crit chance or just ANYTHING other than xtra dmg to (status effect). I also rerolled the same kind of thing (changes to burning poison freeze or other debuffs) on implants and other stuff and it did the same thing. Changed the effected status effect, but nothing else except the number. The nature of it (chance to inflict, extra dmg, etc) remained the same EVERY TIME.This was so beyond the statistical problems of RNG that i just assumed it was an intended part of the game that certain enchant positions could only be certain things, or that the modify tab could only change that one part of it
5 years 129 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 129 days ago

@TREECARGARAGE‍ we will see whether the pools from which the enchants roll onto the neural implants provide enough variety.

Thanks. I myself would check all the items. I've often gotten the sense that most, if not all, items, draw from a shallow pool.

I sank millions into trying to re-roll my gear, but last night, I just came to peace with the fact that I won't be able to get what I truly want, so I'm building my character around the limitations.

5 years 129 days ago

@TREECARGARAGE‍ we will see whether the pools from which the enchants roll onto the neural implants provide enough variety.

5 years 130 days ago
It's a lvl90 relic neural implant. I'm trying to get offensive enchants, but the ones I keep getting are the ones I don't need (burn, bleed, etc.)
5 years 130 days ago

We are aware of a particular issue related to the Inoculators, where one of the enchants cannot be rerolled 5 out of 10 times. May I ask on which items did you experience this and what their tier is?